Undyne the undying

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Frisk slashed at the monster kid. Undyne blocking him, Taking damage.
"Ngahhh... You were stronger... than I thought... this is where.... it ends..."
(Y/N) stared in fear at the scene in front of her. Fell stepped in front of (Y/N) protectively. A few others stared at him jealously, but (Y/N) didn't notice.
"...No... NO! I won't die! Alphys... Asgore... Papyrus... Everyone is counting on me to protect them! NNNNGAAHHHHHHH! Human! In the name of everyone's hopes and dreams!... I WILL DEFEAT YOU!"
As soon as the fighting started, chaos went down. And I mean CHAOS. Sans stepped in and used his magic to hold the human still. Fresh, Fell, Blue, and Sci comforted (Y/N) Error was nowhere to be found. Ink was panicking. Kitty was trying to keep everyone together. Geno and Reaper were also nowhere to be found. It was general chaos.
"EVERYBODY GET YOUR FUCKING ASSES FULL OF SHIT TOGETHER!" Kitty yelled, using her best way of getting everyone together. SWEARING like a sailor. Needless to say, it didn't really work.

((SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING GUYS! I've been super busy on planning a Halloween special story!!))

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