Interview BY Dogpower77(TABBYCAT!)

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Interview by Dogpower77(TABBYCAT!)

Main Questions:

1. What inspired You to write the book(s)? 

That question really depends on the book; most of my stories except for a few are all from my imagination. I don’t like to write about people in real life, I find it weird. Could be just me, but I don’t like it! Usually an idea just comes to me and I’ll write it down and work with it. So really it’s not so much of inspiring but support. 

2. How did you start writing? 

I started writing way back in elementary school. I had to write short stories and what not from school. Ever since that moment I haven’t stopped writing. I guess it really kicked off my writing self.

3. What was your favorite part of the book(s)? 

My favorite part of my books? The ending’s. You don’t know what to expect, anything can happen. 

4. What was the hardest part to write in the book(s)? 

Having to let them go. Once a series/book is over it’s kind of sad.

5. What did you wish was different about the book(s)? 

Wished I finished one book at a time, instead of uploading all of my books at once. Now I have a bunch of half finished ones.

6. What are your favorite authors/books? 

In real life, or on Wattpad? I have a huge list. I read so many book’s i’ve lost count. Not even joking I read over 200 books last year? My librarian even has it in her computer.

7. If you could have dinner with one person, dead or alive, who would it be and why? 

Johnny Depp! Or Amy Lee, I can’t choose. Both of them are amazing, Amy Lee is my favorite singer, my Idol. I would love to have dinner with her, I’d probably die. Same with Johnny, I love him. Such an amazing actor. 

8. What sparked the idea for your novel? 

Anything does, ideas come to me at the most randomest times. The bathroom, if i'm out walking or in school or sleeping.

9. How personal is your writing? 

Mostly my poems are personal, I have at least once story that is personal, but other then that I hate writing stuff personal.

10. What is your writing routine? 

Go to YouTube, look up some relaxing piano or soundtracks, and write, write, write! Usually half way between I’ll go pee and grab a snack or a drink.

11. Which comes first? The character's story or the idea for the novel?  

The idea of course! I like to get the idea down first, and then plan out the character’s story. 

12. What Is Your Favorite music to listen to while writing?     

Piano, or soundtracks. Anything relaxing and soft. But I guess it really depends on what I am writing. If I am writing a sad scene, I’ll listen to sad music, or an intense scene I’ll listen to intense music. Most of the time I’ll just listen to piano though.                                                         

Stupid Random Questions: 

      13. Why do all the superheroes wear underpants on the outside?

I don’t think all superheroes do. But I guess it depends on what you call a superhero. I would think they’d wear underpants UNDER their clothes. But whatever floats their boats! I don’t judge what they wear!

      14. Why are Violets Violet can't they be other colors? 

That’s like asking why is the sky blue, or why the grass is green? Violets are violet because it’s in their title. Wait- they why is that poem saying Violet’s are blue then? The world is crazy and weird. Violets can be any color they want to be- gosh!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2013 ⏰

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