Chapter Three: The First Signs Of The Green Monster

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"Lin, we may have a problem at hand." Naru said to Lin as soon as he got home after making sure Mai was safely back home. He took off his coat and throw it over the coach. He end up exhausted from the day's work, giving the fact he was alone for most of the day, as Lin needed to take care of some things after midday and later feeling anxious when the secretary of Mai's school called to report to him of her fainting on the hall. Although, when the call from her school came she was already fine, he worries nevertheless and once on the hospital, the unexpected encounter with the Curtis family while waiting for her, drained the little energy he has left. He sat over the nearest sofa and Lin follow him, sitting on the one right in front of his young charge.

"Did Mai's check at the hospital went wrong? Did she have something serious?" Lin asked with worry as Noll has call him from the hospital telling him, he may get home later than expected because he has decided to take Mai to a hospital for a medical check, because she has fainted on school earlier and he just to make sure she was truly fine.

"She has a small case of anemia that has been take care of, the problem isn't Mai, but someone else I honestly wasn't expecting." He said closing his eyes, trying to forget the sudden anger he felt when he saw the way Ryan looked at Mai.

"Someone like who? For you been surprised, it should had been a big someone indeed." The times Noll has been caught off guard were rare and Gene was responsible for the few times such a miracle had happened.

"While waiting for Mai on the hospital in Shibuya, I happen to see Darien Curtis and his son Ryan there." Noll didn't have to open his eyes to picture Lin's surprised expression. Lin knew the Curtis family as well and for them to have travel to Japan of all countries, it should have been as unexpected for Lin as it was for him.

"Well, I get you that one. I wasn't aware, Mr. Curtis was visiting Japan. As far as I know, he was in England working on his new project. Did Martin called him to check on you?" Lin asked and Noll glared at Lin for that. His parents were not beyond doing things like that when worry or when they needed news about their emotionless son.

"If father or mother were tempted to check on me, they would have sent Madoka, as they had done it before with very poor excuses, if you ask me. No, they are not here for me. It seems like Ryan was admit on an elite high school as an exchange student and ironically enough, the school seems to have some problems with a ghost who attacks couples. The idiot was push down the stairs after a girl confess to him and of course, he wants us to take the case." He said wishing for one of Mai's tea cups. Why he always ends up wanting the precious warm liquid when in tension or exhausted was a wonder he didn't want to know the answer.

"He is an enthusiastic believer of the paranormal Noll, you can't expect the men to look the other way around when his own son has been a victim. I honestly don't see where the problem lies with the case. Apart from Darien been your father best friend, a case coming from him it's hard to refuse when he is one of the top board directors and the third biggest sponsor the BSPR have, as you already know. We need to take this case." Lin said looking at Noll. Something was bothering the young man and he doubted it was a simple case, requested by a sponsor and a close friend of his family.

"If that was all, there wouldn't be a problem. I'm perfectly aware or his position on the company, the problem lies elsewhere. Mr. Curtis talked with the director of the school about the incidents that took place on school grounds, as they were getting more dangerous, but the director refused to allow a team to deal or investigate the case. It seems, that the men don't believe in ghosts and dismiss any idea of dealing with the situation by calling a group of professionals, even when asked for it. Of course, been the persistent man Darien has always been, a no for an answer is not good enough for him. I'm afraid that he is thinking in some... unusual ways to get it done, which I believe included me, Mai and Miss Hara to go in as students and probably set us in couples to make sure we are good enough bait for the ghost and investigate the reason of the haunting first handed. He was already talking about how well Mai and I will do together. Apparently, the men was curious about Mai as he looked eager to meet her and he wasn't the only one..." Naru said in annoyance, which make Lin smile. Even if he didn't mention the name of the other one, it was obvious he was talking about Ryan.

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