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The past two months haven't been easy for Taehyung. Then again, who said it would be?

On the first night in Hamilton, he had gotten robbed, so Haneul's money was no longer in his possession. Taehyung was freaking out. He didn't have a phone, and now he didn't even have money to talk on a payphone. He wished that he could call Haneul.

Immediately after, Taehyung went job hunting. No one was hiring, and so Taehyung was shit out of luck. This is not how he had planned to live his new life!

What? So you thought living a new life would be all shits and giggles? Kim Taehyung, it doesn't work that way.

He hated his conscience, but he especially hated  how right it was. Life was never easy, no matter who you were.

One week into living in Hamilton:

Taehyung was homeless. Taehyung was tired. Taehyung had already wanted to give up. He was beginning to regret his decision. He missed home. He missed his family and he missed Bangtan.

But he didn't miss fame.

He wasn't going to let this get the best of him. He knew that it wouldn't be easy... Okay, maybe he didn't. He didn't think it through. It all went by too quickly and he was too focused on leaving his old life behind. This is what he had wanted for so long. He couldn't give up so soon. In fact, he couldn't give up at all because there was no going back.

Taehyung had curled himself up into a ball. It was cold tonight, and it was a little windy too. All he had on was his sweatshirt, but he wore a t-shirt underneath. He could still feel the chilly air touch his skin.

Maybe I'll go job hunting again tomorrow.

That's what he had done every day since he had been robbed. But every day was filled with disappointment as no one was ever hiring, or if they were, he wouldn't get the job. Why? Because you're homeless. Right. He's homeless.

Taehyung lay down against the cold building he'd been living in front of for the past week. People continued to pass him by and as expected, no one said anything to him. He sighed and shivered against the building, closing his eyes. He eventually fell asleep, no longer feeling the chilly air nip at his skin.

Two weeks into living in Hamilton:

Yet another place had rejected him. He was growing frustrated. So far, he has been everywhere. He felt disgusting. He hasn't showered in two weeks.

Four weeks into living in Hamilton:

He was starving. He's been starving since he got there. One person was nice enough to give him some food, but that was two weeks ago.

Six weeks into living in Hamilton:

Taehyung was jumped late at night, even though these guys had nothing to take from him. Why did they do that? Did they not have anything better to do? Probably not. Or maybe it was just because he was homeless.

Eight weeks into living in Hamilton:

The owner of the building had finally found out that there was some homeless guy lounging around there. Taehyung was shooed off of his property. He had to find a new place to settle.

One month into living in Hamilton:

Taehyung had found a park to rest in. He sat beside a tree. At least the grass was comfier than the cement.

He had watched the children play and laugh, he had watched their parents tend to them if they got hurt. Taehyung felt sad. He missed his family. He missed being in his mother's arms whenever he was upset and he missed spending quality time with his father.

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