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One week later


I looked up at the huge building before me. Today starts my first day of college as a sophomore. I'm not so nervous as last year. I've already had the experience and now I know what to expect. Hopefully it'll be better than last year...

"Hi!" Not expecting the sudden presence, I jump slightly and look to my right to see a girl who is about two inches taller than me. Her thick, lilac colored hair fell down her shoulders and framed her light face perfectly. Her dark brown eyes were bright as a warm smile appeared on her face.

"Hi," I say shyly. I was never good with meeting new people, especially outgoing ones like she is. Well, she seems outgoing. She sticks her hand out for me to shake and I stare at it blankly before slowly putting my hand in hers. Her grip is firm as she shakes my hand.

"Eva Farro." Her smile turns into a grin. She has a gap in between her two front teeth which makes her look adorable. "Are you Dana Dalton?" She asks me. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"I am," I nod, "Why?" I question.

"Well, I'm your new roommate!" New roommate? I thought.

"Oh? What happened to Toni? Is she alright?" Toni would have told me if something happened... 

"She transferred to another school and I just transferred here, so..." She trails off awkwardly. I then realize that I might be giving her the impression that I don't want her as my roommate, which is not true at all. It's unfortunate that Toni left, but Eva seems like a really cool girl so I don't mind her being my new roommate. I'm just confused on why Toni never said anything.

I offer a kind smile, "No worries, Eva. You'll like it here." We walk to the dorms. On the way, we get to know each other a little. She's really awesome and sweet. Despite her being an extrovert and me being more of an introvert, I think we'll be great friends.

We arrive to our room and I take out my key and unlock the door. I allow her to enter first and I see that she's moved in already. On her side, there are posters of Kpop idols and some drawings that are hung up beneath them. She sits on her bed and crosses her legs.

"So, where did you go to college before?" I ask. I sit on my own bed which is across from hers.

"I went to some other community college somewhere in New York. I decided to transfer here because it seemed like they had a better art program. My dream is to eventually transfer into an Art + Design school." She says dreamily. I switch my gaze to the drawings that were hung up on the wall.

"You drew those?" She nods proudly.  They were amazing.

Eva had then told me about how she grew up loving art. Her first picture that she drew of was her with her family. Her dad was so proud that he had stuck it on to the fridge, and seeing how happy her father was, she continued to draw. As she grew up, her father would give her some pointers and help her along the way.

"That's really sweet." I smile, but then realize the time. "Shit!" I'd spent so much time talking to Eva that I didn't realize that I was about to be late for my first class. Eva watched as I scrambled to get ready. Because my first class was math, I didn't think it was worth rushing for. Math is gross. But still, being late to class on the first day in college is very different compared to high school. They don't let you off the hook so easily.

"Sorry, Eva," I smile apologetically while putting my backpack on, "I'm really late. When do classes end for you?" I ask so that we can talk later.

"Oh, I don't have any classes today!" She smiles sweetly. Pfft, lucky girl.

"Okay, well then I'll see you later!" I say. She quickly asks me if we could meet up for lunch and I agree before rushing out the door and to my class. I had five more minutes until it started, so I ran. Luckily enough, I got there one minute before it was time. I picked my seat and took out my notebook, ready to write these nasty notes down.

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