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"He can totally purr, I just know it!" He really wonders why she bothers telling him stuff that only wasted time. The time wasn't good right now and he really wants to prepare entering his other world, the other world he was supposed to live in but instead ended up here and became some god or called a 'puppeteer.' He was not classified as god, because many reasons.

One, he didn't have a world to take care. Two, apparently, his ancestor, which he didn't believed very much in, had some history with Transparent Muse. Three, he didn't felt it, so he'd rather be called a 'puppeteer.'

"... By the way, I heard that most of the forests will go into dormant state once winter comes and a lot of people are gonna prepare for a festival!" There she goes with nonsense. Well, it did make sense. Every year, they would start picking food and would put them into a state which has them live for at least it can. Yukari and Orca said the spirits who used to be livings in Transparent Muse would often collect fire and create candles before spring. The emperors and empresses practice on their ceremony speeches. Grimshaw, well, he's read easily, so he starts pushing his citizens into collecting food. Both Hilo and Neptune would be disappointed by this every time they walked into some trouble. Neptune, he's not sure about her, but she has this habit of being lazy.. Unless she's told over and over to do something. His dolls and puppets started on it now, so the shelves looks very empty. "Soooo.. Who are you following?" She asked, forgotten who he's following. She's hopeless and this made him wonder why he was even friends with her at the first place, especially the fact she viewed as a rival before, but he wasn't the only one. Grimshaw was viewed as one too when he got involved into that mess.



"You're kidding, right? <-0), I know that "the more, the merrier" will benefit us but.." The black haired girl squinted at the two in front of her, as if they weren't fitting in very well. He understood why the shorter one didn't want them involved in this sort of mess, but that wasn't it, it's more or less because they've been rumored. Who would want murderers in a team? No one.

"We have to trust them! They helped us over there!" His attention turned over to the other who had ideals, probably. Ideals will lead to anyone's death and he was surprised that they're trying to keep up with the argument. It was entertaining until at some point, the opposing one went into another room in a fit. Supposedly, there were more than four people, this game was going to be fun. He overheard that another already died. 


He already guessed that someone was grieving from their death.

"Hilllllooooooo! Wake up!!" A crashing sound echoed out of the tree house and he didn't focused until a pile of books fell on him. The culprit of this mess was obviously Neptune, what an idiot, "What? Don't give me that look, seriously! You're giving me goosebumps all over, you fucking meme!" Annnnddddd that just made the situation worse, oh well. Time to throw back a glass.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2016 ⏰

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