Sacred Emblem Chapter 6

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Me and Lucas have been traveling for a while now. I cant remember exactly happened but the only thing I recall was Lucas crying while carrying me. He was running away from some wrecked town. Wonder what town that was? It couldn't have been the town we lived in. It was perfectly fine and not demolished from last I saw it. Then again that was about 6 months ago. Lucas and I have been traveling from town to town ever since. Lucas hasn't told me why Yamith decided to stay in the other town. He said something about Yamith being in a better place but what better place could there be than with us? Yamith's so stupid. Ill make sure to hit him on the head once we go back to the town. Puberty is really weird actually. Ever since my 16th birthday my hairs been slowly changing to light blue. Maybe thats what happened to Lucas? His hair was black before right? I cant remember. As of right now, Lucas and I have been riding a carriage heading up north to what Lucas calls "The city of god bloods". In between trips Lucas teaches me how to use my abilities little by little. Speaking of which its time again for another training session. Lucas stops the carriage at a lake. I run out of the carriage and stare at the lake in awe.

"Lucas! Are we staying here?!"

"Of course not. Time for training"

"You're such a meanie."

Lucas doesn't even respond to what I said. He's been like this ever since we left the town. Wonder whats wrong with him. Lucas puts on a pair of brown gloves. Is he trying to be fabulous? He should wear a top hat then. Everyone know top hats are fabulous. I giggle to myself and Lucas doesn't like it very much.

"Focus!" He growls as he makes a flame at the palm of his hand and pushes it into his chest.

"Lucas! Your chest hair is going to burn!"

A big shield appears on his right hand and on his left is...... Errrrr what is that?

"Marilyn concentrate. On my right is a shield and on my left is a gun. What can you do to counter?"

"Whats a gun?"

Lucas doesn't appreciate the question and he points the gun up and pulls the trigger. A loud banging sound comes from it and a huge flame explodes on the sky.

"Thats what a gun does. Now what do you do to counter?"

"Not get hit by that? L-lucas you're scaring me"

"Focus" he walks over to me and points the gun on my forehead.

"Now what do you do?"

I react on instinct and grab the gun and turn it to ice. I run away from him and I cover the ground and his feet in ice.

"Wrong move."

The ice around his feet starts melting and the gun starts shining. He throws the shield at me and he breaks the gun free. I dodge the shield and throw icicles at him but it was too late. 2 shots of pure heat melt my icicles and hit me on my chest. I thought Lucas was going to kill me but the flames didn't even feel like a flame. The flames wrapped my body and acted as a cushion when I fell on the ground.

"Always remember. Fire always melts ice. It can never be the other way around." He says as he pats my head.

"How about we get some lunch?"

I just nod slowly and run back to the carriage to grab some food. I know this is all for me and all but isn't this kind of overboard? This stuff used to be fun when Yamith was still with us. That was pretty much how our days went by after the town. We would just go up north all the time and pass by towns to buy food. Lucas keeps talking about a city filled with buildings and stores that we've never seen before. He says all of our dreams can be fulfilled there. He said that that city was called Siamehs. What a weird name for a city. Sounds like a mexican name for chips though.

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