Sacred Emblem Chapter 8

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I wake up to the sound of screaming and ambulance sounds. Did someone get hurt? I hear crowds of people surrounding me. I sit up and open my eyes but I should have left them closed. What I saw was Lucas twitching in pain in a crater. His right arm was burned. What the hell happened? Suddenly a scream arises from the crowd.

"Make way! White corps is here!"

A group of men wearing all white clothes start running toward me. I fire an ice crystal on instinct and impale one of them.

"Hostile! Neutralize and contain!"

A group of the white men start running toward me and start sticking patches on me. I try shooting ice crystals at them but it was no good. They were too quick. By the time they finished, I had tons of patches on my body. I look at Lucas twitching in pain. Suddenly one of the white men starts dragging Lucas away.

"Let him go!" I try firing an ice crystal but theyre not working. Why arent they working?! A man wearing a red suit started walking to me. He had blonde hair and deep yellow eyes. He was wearing something underneath his suit. I just couldnt tell what it was. He hits my head with his hand and I scream in pain.

"Idiot. You come to our city and start all this trouble. Whats your business here?" He lifts me by the neck.

"M-my name is Marilyn. M-me and my b-brother were trying to find a city t-that protected people like us."

"Well its obvious you two are godbloods." He puts me down and stares at my brother

"The people wearing white were doctors trying to see if you were ok. Aaaaaand you killed one of them." He sighs and pulls the body of the man I impaled out of the ice crystal.

"Medic! His vital organs are alright!" The white men start running toward the man and a bright white light suddenly comes from their hand

"W-what are they? What did you call me?"

"Theyre the same as you and me. All of us here are godbloods." He smiles and he holds out his hand.

"Welcome to Siemmaah city godblood" he smiles.

I reach for his hand and grab it. He gives me a smiles and pulls me out of the crater we made.

"So do you have a place to stay?"

"Nope. My brother said something about finding a house and stuff like that"

"Then I have the perfect place for you two."

He starts walking faster. I try to follow him while taking in the scenery. All I could see were buildings. The buildings looked pretty nice. They had very intriasnsdo- I mean complex designs. Some of them look just like a couple of spheres on top of each other. Others look like boring boxes. The coolest thing I saw was when I looked up. At the sky was a huge building floating in mid air. It was bound to the ground by chains. It looked really spikey from below. The people here were just amazing. Wherever I look I see flashes of light. Red, blue, yellow, green, purple, orange, white, and black. Weird. I can see all the colors from the room ascendency except the one with the mix colors. Maybe I should ask him about that.

"Ummm mister?"


"The people here are all godbloods right? Why arent there people that have the mix color?"

He stops on his tracks and stops talking. Maybe I shouldnt have asked.

"How about we talk about that in your new home?" He smiles. I just nod slowly.

I stare at the ground trying to stop my curiosity. Suddenly a yellow disk appears underneath my feet and lifts both of us up. I almost fell off as it took off.

"Right youre not used to flying." He laughed a bit and helped me up. He pointed upwards to the huge building I saw earlier.

"Thats where youll be living"

That huge building? Thats our home? Awesome! He starts lifting us up into the huge building. People arent even fazed that were floating. I guess this is a normal thing here? Wonder whats not normal here. He stops under the building and a huge hole suddenly appears while sparks were flying from it. We go through the hole and the yellow disc turns to stone and lifts us up.

"Welcome to your new home."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2014 ⏰

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