Chapter 1 [Park Bench]

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Desiree P.O.V

"Desiree.." Mason baby voice asked me suddenly.. I fluttered my eyes open to look at my baby's brother bruises cheeked face.

I had smiled tiredly. He smiled back at me and helped me sit up on the park bench.

"Yeah Mason?" I asked him.

"I'm hungry.." He complained. I licked my dry lips and pursed them into a thin line.

"Mason, We finished our last bit of bread yesterday. I only have 6 pounds.." I replied to him.

"But you surely can buy at least a swice of bread.. Maybe even butter! And we can lather its Juicy content as a slab on the bread stick.. Please Desiree.. I'm starving!" I can see his mouth water at he though of bread and butter.

"And guess what I want tea with the queen. Mason, you know we have to save up so we can get more food than just bread. Bread doesn't last without a wrap forever. Maybe just a mere few hours.." I replied to him. Trying to sound enthusiastic..

"But Desiree.. I don't care anymore.. I was bread with butter and crumpets.." He complained. "We haven't eaten in two days.." He wined.

"I'm sorry Mason. But if we save up just a tad bit more, we can get two bottles of milk, bread, butter, crumpets, and a whole sand which. Just a few more pounds.." I explained to him.

I heard him huff and watched him cross his puny arms. "Fine.." With a sigh agreement, I reached into my draw string bag and grabbed a wipe and some cream.

"Mason.. I know you don't like me touching your hurt but I have to get it better.." I said gesturing to his face. Before we ran away father slapped him hard that it made his head whip to the side. He had fallen that day and his cheek collided with the brick wall we had.

He looked down with tears threatening to spill. But he nodded and looked up at me.

"You can fix my hurt to ok?" I said gesturing to the black eye I had and healing slash on my right cheek.

His eyes sparkled at that. "I can help your hurt like you help mines?" He pondered at me. He loved helping things. Like plants grow, wondering ants to there family's, and helping me sew his beaten up stuff bear..

I smiled and thanked him..

Demi's P.O.V

I was taking my morning jog in the streets of London. I was visiting a good friend named Simon Cowell.

We both judged on a show call the X Factor. Then we became really good friends. Next to David and MelB of course.

I decided to jog in a different park that morning since it was quieter and more pretty.

I jogged around we I saw too very tiny figures sitting on a park bench. There wasn't a parent in sight so too little kids alone wasn't the best sign.

I jogged over to them. I slowed my pace as I neared. Fear shot through the smaller boys eyes as he dug his face into whom I'm guessing his sisters shoulder.

"Hi.." I greeted my self.

"Ello.." The girl replied.. "May I ask why you bothered to talk to me. Not in an offensive way. I need to be able to trust you.."

Her British accent was just so adorable. I couldn't help but smile widely.

"Honey. Your out here all alone. I need to make sure your going to be ok. Where are your parents?" I asked her.. My Texan accent caught her brothers attention.

"Why does the lady talk funny.." He whispered to his older sister. I died with awe at his accent. He was too cute. But I also notice that the girl face dropped as soon as I mention her parents.

"N-no parents. Please.." She said quickly. I didn't want to make her un happy. Did they pass? Did she not want to go to an orphanage and ran away?

But then why would she say 'No parents. Please' as if she doesn't want to go back to her parents. And considering the bruised on her brothers cheek and the black eye that was poorly hidden by makeup told me there was a reason to not wanting to be with her parents.

"Ok, ok.." I said calmly. "Can you tell me your names then?" I asked gently.

"I'm Desiree. I'm Six. This is Masson.." She held up her brothers hand. "He's Three."

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