Chapter 16 [Daddy]

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Demi's P.O.V

"Hello world and all who inhabit it," I yelled happily throwing the front door open.

I smiled and ran into my house. I ran right into the kitchen throwing open the cabinet. I grabbed a bag of mini Oreos. Ripping the bag open I popped one in my mouth.

I melted at its flavor and taste. It's contents crunch through my mouth. Finally, home. Wait. I felt like

"Demi?.." I heard a small whisper come from the front door. Dammit Demi. You left your kids for a fucking Oreo.

I threw the bag in the sick and ran back to the door. "I'm so sorry Desiree. I didn't mean to leave you I swear.." I said. I hugged her quickly.

She giggled at me, I frowned and pulled back. "What?" I asked.

"You got crumbs all over your cheek," she cackled.

My eyes widen. Now she knows I left her for a cookie. I looked down and mumbled, "Sorry."

"Oh no don't be sad!" I heard her say. She lifted my head up with her tiny hands. "Mason's waiting in the car.." She said quietly dusting all the crumbs off my face.

"Let's go get him then," I said quietly as I grabbed her hand. I headed towards were Mason was waiting in the car.

I swung open the door and an excited Mason squealed and scrambled out of the car quickly.

He ran in between my legs before running into my house. I quaked at his cuteness and smiled at Desiree.

"Come on," I beckon as I ran into the house chasing after the excited Mason.

"Mason I'm gonna catcha!" I squealed running around the house like a crazy.

"Mason!" I yelled as I felt his light weight body throw itself on my back.

"Die foul beast!" He screamed before pretending to stab me in my underarm. I giggled as I played dead and fell to the floor.

I felt the weight of another child. Looking up I see Desiree and Mason both sitting on top of me eating popcorn.

"Where did you get popcorn?" I asked. Reaching out to get a piece. However Mason and Desiree pulled there bags back selfishly.

I pouted. "Share," I said childishly still laying on the floor and on my stomach. Mason and Desiree looked at each other. As if they were reading each other's mind they nodded and looked down at me.

An evil smirk forming on there faces. "Wait no, let's talk about this!" I said as two bags of popcorn was poured onto my head. I shook my head. Only beading popcorn into the strains of my hair.

They laughed and hopped off of me. I groaned and stood up. Popcorn falling off me. I was able to pick the popcorn out of my hair.

I saw Max standing there with a smile. He was obviously holding back his laugh. The pair of four eyes standing behind him. Hiding behind his legs giggling

"Since you did this," I pointed to the popcorn mess, "You can clean it up and set the kids bedrooms as I take them to the park.. You can also get them a few outfits." I said smirking putting my hands on my hips.

Max huffed and left the house. I smiled. "Let's go to the park," I told the siblings as they laughed and threw themselves at me..


"Come on go down the slide baby, so I can get it on video!" I yelled at Mason who coward on the top of the slide.

"It's too high! I'm not doing it!" He argued.

"Mason come on sweetie! I'll be waiting at the end! I'll catch you!" I told him.

"I'm going to die! What if I slide down and slip off he edges, what will happen to this beautiful face?" He asked pouting.

"Mason come on," I said as encouraging I could have been.

"Come on Mason!" Desiree shouted besides me. Trying to keep her cool. The annoy meant clear in her voice.

"Nope, I'm not dying today," he said turning around. He turned on his heels. Taking a step to walk away, only to slip and than fall. He slide down the slide on his stomach.

I recorded the whole thing. I caught Mason in my arms. "See? Did it hurt?" I asked gently.

He only smiled, "Lets do that again!" He shouted excitedly. I laughed and let him go. He started climbing back onto the play.

Desiree smiled than signaled to be picked up. I grabbed her and hoisted her on my hip. She hugged me.

However he body tensed tightly. Her grip on me tighten. I couldn't help but look at her.

"What's wrong?" I ask. Her face was pale and her eyes were drawn to something that was behind me somewhere.


Don- Don- Donnn

Ok guys I'm trying something new! Imma give y'all suggestions for the next chapter!

•Should Demi confront 'Daddy?'

•Should 'Daddy' realize that Desiree and Mason are there and have Demi go MamaBear?

•Should Demi run and never look back and call the cops?

•Should Desiree have mistaken someone else for her Dad and have a melt down?

•Should Demi eventually find a love interest in the next few chapters even with the 'Daddy,' spotting

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