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Third Person

Just over an hour later the police knocked on Dan and phils apartment with Dan being held by and officer in case he tried to run off

"Oh my god Dan." Phil said, tears in his eyes as he ran and hugged Dan, "thank you so much."

Dans arms rapped round Phil and held him tight, tucking his head into phils neck "he's gone Phil, Adrian's gone" Dan whimpered

"I know he is but I'm sure he'll always be with you." Phil gulped, trying to choke back tears, "what where you doing out on your own anything could have happened to you!"

"I don't know I wasn't thinking, I was just scared and I couldn't see you without thinking of Adrian. Please don't hate me I'm sorry" Dan cried into phils shoulder "I had to call the police because I didn't trust myself driving on my own and I promised I'd come home"

"Dan I love you so much." Phil sniffed looking up to the police "thank you so much for bringing him home."

"It's alright sir, but we do recommend Dan visits a doctor or physiatrist if thi-" one of the officers started but Dan clung harder to Phil and tucked his head away "please please no I- I don't want to, don't make me go Philly!" Dan sobbed

"Shh baby no of course I wouldn't take you there don't worry." Phil hushed Dan, "I'm sorry I couldn't take him there I have helped him get over this years ago it's just after a death he'll be ok officer."

"Ok it's up to you but if this continues or gets worse then he will have to go" the officers nodded and left "I'm sorry I'm really sorry Phil"

"No dan baby shh I will never take you to that place because I know it scares you a lot, we'll get through this right? It's just a blip."

"Yeah yeah" Dan breathed heavy but kept his firm hold round phils neck but knew he had to let go to go inside

"Thank you again." Phil smiled, closing the door, kissing Dan softly "what do you want to eat I bet you're starving."

"I'm kinda of in the mood for fish and chips" Dan said quietly "I've really missed you I'm sorry I didn't come home earlier"

"It's ok, don't do it to me again, I got worried sick." Phil sighed "let's walk down to the chippy."

"Ok" Dan nodded and kissed Phil again, a little tougher this time but still kept it sweet before walking out of the building

"On a scale of 1 to 10 how much are you looking forward to this chippy?" Phil asked softly as he smiled at Dan

"Probably a solid 8" Dan rubbed his eyes and smiled as they got to the small shop

"What are you craving?" Phil asked as he drooled at the cone of chips a girl outside was eating

"Just a small chips, I'm not that hungry" Dan shrugged, feeling a bit sick at the thought of eating loads

"Danny, you've got to eat a little more than just a few chips, you've not eaten in a week. How about you have some fish or a small sausage with it?" Phil suggested with a sigh

Dan really didn't want to but the sad little look on phils face made his heart melt and agreed anyway

Phil smiled softly as him, pecking his cheek "you'll enjoy it once you've eaten- erm hi can I have a large cone of chips, a small cone of chips and a sausage please?" Phil asked smiling, taking a tenner out of his pocket

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