f i f t e e n

720 24 98

Third Person

A/N sorry for all the typos I made but I've edited it now

"You can't just run away from every little problem you have Phil alright! Stop being a fucking baby and talk to me! Where are you even gonna go?" Dan followed after Phil

"Away from you, if I seem to be stressing you out that much I might as well leave and give you some space."

"Doesn't mean I want you to fucking leave- this is exactly my point! How am I meant to trust you if you're just going to run away from any problem you have?! Just to avoid the fact that you're in the wrong!"

"Oh boo boo Dan! I can do what I fucking like!" Phil screamed

"you.are.pushing.my.limits." Phil said poking Dans chest harshly with every word until he was towering over Dan with a nasty face

"Don't fucking touch me!" Dan tried to push Phil off him but he just got backed into the wall looking up at Phil

"Don't worry I won't." Phil growled "we're over, we go back to square one, just fucking no relationships no kisses no cuddles. We're done." Phil spat before he walked away from Dan

Phil walked out grabbing his keys, heading over to Kelly's house with a frustrated look on his face

Kelly heard someone knock at the door and opened it "guess someone figured out who was right" she looked him up and down, slightly disgusted

"What's with the dirty look." Phil said with a slight snarl

"I'm trying to work out if you're still on the faggots side" Kelly huffed "I was right wasn't I? Why else would you be here"

"He's beyond pissed me off, I've not fully left him but I swear to god one more incident and I'm gone."

"I told you this would happen, what's he done this time?"

"He said I was controlling and that he wasn't a child and just- ugh I'm so fucking stressed."

"You're the one who sympathised with the dirty faggot, what were you expecting? You can't trust 'em" Kelly shrugged

"Oh you can trust him, a lot more than he could trust me but I'm already in a bad enough mood don't get me more pissed off by your homophobia Kelly."

"Fine, what do you want?" Kelly sighed, leaning against the door frame

"I don't know something that'll stop me feeling pissed off." Phil growled

"And how am I meant to help with that?" Kelly raised her eyebrows, not happy with how Phil just showed up

"Well I don't fucking know do I?" Phil said studying her

"You're the one who came here, not me." Kelly said "I'm not gonna fuck you if that's what you want from me, you don't get to just walk in here and assume I want to"

"Who said I'd want to fuck you again?and besides have you taken the test yet?" Phil asked curiously

"Yes, I have. Anything else you want? Or can you leave now?" Kelly asked sarcastically

"No I want to see the test." Phil said more sternly, not believing her

"I threw it away, I'm not pregnant. You finished?" Kelly said, getting impatient

Relief; Phan Au [PERMANENTLY INCOMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now