chapter 3

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* I go to the toilet and then back to Starbucks *

Weston- were u been

Ellie- to the toilet lie i told you

Weston- oh really so why did i see u with a guy by the store

Ellie- i bumped into him that's it 

Weston- ooooh Ok

Mario- i'm really hungry

Mom- how about we go to panda express

Cat- yassss

lily- come on then

you were walking and you got a text from someone

person: hey gorgeous

Ellie: who's this 

Person: its me mark from earlier

Ellie: oh hey mark wyd?

Mark: going to the gate  with zach and nick

Ellie: i am gonna go panda express so i am gonna come to the gate after save some seat's next to you

mark: Ok cool ill see u round there 

Ellie: ok goodbye 

mark: bye babygirl

Ellie: u cant call me that your not my boyfriend

mark: not yet

Ellie: what do you mean

Mark: you'll see

you didn't reply because you knew your sister was watching you

Mae: who you chatting to ?

Ellie: the boy from earlier hes really cute

* Maes phone goes off*

Mae: omg its joey agghhh

Ellie: do u like have a crush on him ?

Mae: umm yass hes so fit

Ellie: umm ok well lets go eat

All: yes lets go

you go and get food from panda express and eat you head to your gate and see a load of seats next to mark you immediately point and say

Ellie: there's aload of seats over there

weston: wait isnt that the guy from earlier

Ellie: i don't think so

weston: come on then lets go sit

Ellie: ok come on

you go an sit down next to mark and he looks straight at you you wisper to him

Ellie: hey know one knows that the boy i told them about is u so act ike we just met

Mark: why what did u say about me 

Ellie: NVM

mark: * normal voice* hi Whats your name

Ellie: Ellie hbu

mark: my names mark well we gtg the planes boarding

you dint have seats near each other the only ones i your family sitting together were your Mom, Lily and Ashton.

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