Chapter Ten- Yes, I do.

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"Wakie, wake sleeping beauty". What is that? Is this a children room. Where is that coming from, lazily I opened my eyes to see a smiling girl? Who was that girl smiling? I closed my eyes back maybe I was daydreaming. Suddenly a hand was tapping me.

I opened my eyes to see very serious blue eyes. Yea! That's true. I totally forgot I had a roommate who was also my sister. I stood up yawning "Good for morning".

"Good morning sis. Get up quick or we'll be late to school". I looked at Maria again she was already dressed up. Why was she just waking me up now? Seriously I don't understand this crazy girl called my sister.

A few minutes later we were all sitting at the dining table, well except my dad 'Mr not always around' I couldn't care less. I still haven't forgiven him, thou I must confess I am very glad I now have someone to call my sister. It's really fun having someone to walk with to school. Also, she was ready to do anything to make me happy. I secretly thank my dad for having another daughter.

Breakfast was tea and bread. Really! Who considered that food. Gosh! Am so going to be hungry doing class today. I looked at Maria, she was eating very well. No one would ever know she lost her mum, with she was always smiling and good to go. Totally my opposite.

Assembly was over in a swift, today our history teacher, Mrs Toyin was teaching about something pre-colonial Yoruba. Who cares about what happened during the pre-colonial. Seriously, I don't even know what's happening presently and they were teaching us about something that happened before I was born. I was definitely not paying attention to the teacher.

I turned to see my sit mate staring at the teacher as if his life depends on listening to the boring topic. He didn't even spare me a glance. No stupid whispers. I feel ignored. 'well, you deserve it'.a tiny voice said in my head. Do I really deserve it? No, he was the one who betrayed me. Why am I the one feeling guilty?

The subject was boring, the topic boring, in fact, the whole day was boring. I wished school was over. I hate being ignored, especially by Drey.

The rest of the period before lunch dragged. Finally, the bell rang for lunch. I was the first to stand from my seat as if there was a fire on the chair.

Tina was smiling, that reminds me. I would ask her who she was exchanging her saliva with at the party. Suddenly, I was feeling giddy. It's so going to be fun teasing Tina.

Tina and the rest of the group including me all moved to our favourite spot in the cafeteria. I was waiting for Maria regarding our talk.

"Why is Drey not here". Seyi asked.

"I don't know". Tina answered innocently.

"I heard he is after a girl that was why he was outside at the party. He secretly went to meet the girl" Amaka said her eyes popping out to see other reaction. I hate her guts today, why would she spread a false rumour like that about Drey.

"That's so not true!" I yelled without thinking twice. I was angered at the fact that what if it was true. I hate picturing Drey with another girl. A memory flashed before me. What if he went back to her. That foolish crazy bitch.

Now everyone attention was focused on me. I forced a smile out. "I mean we can't really tell that Amaka was saying the truth". I try to say it in the most polite way, also not wanting anyone to suspect anything.

Tina moved closer to me holding my hand as if saying 'i know you are hiding something Sussy'. I hold her back tightly also. Now it was awkward between us all.

Lawrence has been who he was tapped Amaka head. "Crazy girl, all you know how to do is spread foolish news". He was smiling all of a sudden.

"I forget to tell you all, our mock is starting in a few weeks". Seyi said excitedly. He must be very happy, can't blame him. He was a nerd, I guess nerds are excited about things like an exam.

Soon I saw Maria and Martin walking towards us. She finally got to our site looking at us all, the first word she spat out was "where is Adrian". This girl must really like coconut head. Well, who wouldn't?

I drag her whispering into her ear that I was taking Martin with me. I excused myself from the rest dragging Martin with me to an empty sit.

"So..." I was rubbing my palm together, I really was nervous. It's more difficult than I thought.
He looked at me, staring hard at me. That got me more nervous. What if he says no he can't act like my fake boyfriend. Let's be optimistic, he will say yes I try to tell myself positively.

"I have a favour to ask of you. Please, say yes I do." I said in a serious voice, but Martin was laughing as if what I said was funny.

"Can you keep a secret?" I asked again with the same serious tone.

"Yes, I do" he was smiling while saying it. As if I was joking.

"Okay," I sigh "can you be my boyfriend"

I was staring at him now, his mouth was left agape as if he couldn't get words out of it. Maybe he misinterpreted what I meant.

"I mean, hmmm. I'm trying to act for someone. He was my ex and now he is trying to date me again. I am afraid I would fall for him again. So, I am trying to discourage him from making advances at me." I looked towards him if he was listening to me. He was but has there was this confused look on his face. " What I meant is, I want you to act like my fake boyfriend. Making him believe I really have a boyfriend" I said.

"I think that's a bad idea Sussy. What if you still love him. Just forgive him already". I don't want to think about the possibility of still liking Drey.

" I don't love him. He is just so stubborn." I said trying to convince him or convince myself that I really don't care about him anymore. But where his he exactly, he didn't come for lunch.

"Keep saying that. Maybe your heart will change" he answered jokingly. I swear this guy is the male version of Maria always taking everything as a joke.

"Will you please ?". I pouted. "There is no one I am going to ask, no one to help me."

"What about Lawrence"

"No way you are asking me to ask that troublemaker. He would only cause troubles. Please do help me." I continue to persuade him.

"What about Seyi?" Gosh! This guy was really having fun when I was in difficulties.

"Seyi is too serious to do this for me. He would just take it seriously and refuse". I try to make him see reasons.

"Then why me." He pointed at himself. Must he really know everything? He was no different to Maria, they are just the perfect match.

"Please, just do this for me". I pulled his hand and sigh.

"Okay, okay. Yes, I do." He said mockingly. I was so happy.

"So you are my boyfriend now," I asked again in case I heard him wrong.

"You mean your fake boyfriend". We both are smiling now.

Author Note

Finally, she got her fake boyfriend. I feel so sorry for Adrian. He must be thinking the crazy Sussy really has a boyfriend.

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I love you all guys.

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