Chapter 23 (Pt. 2)

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AN: Why hello there! Sorry for the delay!

Up in Owen's hotel room, he had pushed his bed against the wall to create space. In that space, he set up a little table and chairs from the room. On the table was a vase of peonies, which smelled amazingly. The curtains were drawn open to let in a the natural light, causing shadows to dance around the room.

Owen finally spoke, "Do you like it?"

"It's wonderful! I can't believe you would do this for me," I said smiling.

"Of course I'd do this for you! Now, come and sit. I ordered room service, which will be here soon," The boy grabbed my hand and led me to the table. He pulled out my chair for me, which I sat in, then he went to sit in his own chair.

"I still can't believe you're here," I said.

"I can't believe that you ever forgave me, for everything. I can't believe that you came to me a few days ago. I can't believe you kissed me at the airport," Owen said every word with emphasis, showing how important this was to him.

I reached over and entwined my hands with his. "Back then I was being stupid, It was too much to understand. I was too dumb, too young to realize that I should've forgiven you."

Owen squeezed my hands, "No, you had every right to be mad, what I did was terrible."

I stood up and walked over to where the boy was sitting. Sitting down on his lap, I kissed him softly. He responded quickly and snaked his arms around my waist while I wrapped mine around his neck. Finally pulling away I said, "Don't beat yourself up about it, it's okay."

Just then there was a knock at the door. I sprung off of Owen and took a step back.

Owen blushed, but quickly went to the door and retrieved our food. Once he set it all up we ate in comfortable silence.


I've only ever loved one person. Love was like a free fall, it's extremely terrifying, yet it's so amazing. So amazing that you don't even care that there's a chance of heartbreak. Until it happens. Until you get your heart broken by who you thought was the one.

But then you think, maybe he wasn't the one, and you realize the little things about him that you didn't like. Maybe it was how he didn't text you in the morning, maybe it was the fact that after you broke up all he did was give you sad smiles, or maybe, you just thought you loved him. Maybe Chris wasn't it.

I got this feeling when I'm with Owen. It feels like butterflies and fireworks exploding in my stomach. I smile more around him, something I don't do very often. Maybe Owen was it.

It's impossible, he lives in a whole different state, a whole different part of the country. Sure, we'd talk every night on the phone or visit each other during breaks, but of all people, I know that long distance is hard.

It obviously never satisfied Wells, he probably got tired of never kissing a girl or getting to hook up with them. I get it, but at the same time, why would he do that?

"Coralynn? We're here."

Instantly I turned to the red-haired boy. "Sorry, I zoned out," I said.

Owen chuckled, "I can tell."

Unbuckling myself from the car I said, "Well, I'm going to miss you. Call me when you land."

"Cora, I know we won't see each other a lot and I know how your last long term relationship ended out, but if never do that to you again."

"Owen, we can't. I'm not ready for another relationship, I'm sorry."

AN: I apologize for the crappy chapter :(

Anyway have a good day!


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