And the tour begins

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"Lizzyyyyyyyyy hurry the hell up"
"Carter calm your self I'm coming!"
Today's the day, were leaving for the first stop of the magcon tour, Huston Texas. I'm nervous and excited. I mean who wouldn't be, I'm going on tour with the magcon boys. Like this is thousands of teenage girl's dreams that I get to live. But i just hope that I don't get hate for "using Carter" he is my best friend and I'm going on tour to support him, plain and simple. I'm not going for the guys, and I'm not going for the fame.
"Carter, SHUT UP"
I swear we act more like brother and sister sometimes that my mom says it's kinda scary.
With my huge suit case I attempted to walk down the stairs, however that didn't work out to well. I got about three steps and tripped over my own feet tumbling down the stairs with my mom and Carter just laughed at me.
"Don't just laugh at me! Carter u were in such a rush why don't u go get my suit case."
Which he did, but not before he could roll his eyes and give me that what ever look.
Carter's pov;
I swear Lizzie can get on my nerves sometimes, but always being together can do that to a person. Being the nice friend that I am (joking) I grabbed her bag and headed for the bus, the guys were waiting out side for us and are probably getting impatient waiting for us.
So you know how the guys can be, and if you don't these few words are just an understatement. Loud, obnoxious, and flat out insane. So being the people they are, the thought it would be smart to scream as loud as possible when we walked on to the bus, then u just hear Cameron start saying "CARTAHH
Hurry up and get over hereeeee" I swear this tour is going to be the death of me.

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