Heading to huston

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Fun fact about me, I am terrified of highs, and planes.
Finding out I was going on tour I had one fear, flying. So finding out that we would only be flying once was still scary but better than flying to every show. Bart rented is a bus to take to the airport where we will then fly to the first sto in Huston Texas. After the Huston show Bart has rented a tour bus for us. So I'm going to be one of the only two girls on this tour sleeping on a bus with a bunch of other guys. Yayyy (sarcasm). I know you may think that may be a good thing in someways, but what you don't know is how these boys act off camera. On camera they may be obnoxious, loud, and kinda immature. But just times that by ten and that's how bad they are in real life.
Taylor's pov;
I know, I know Lizzie is a few years younger than me well like 1 1/2 but I still can't stop thinking about her. Like I've seen her in pictures and videos, but when I saw her in person I couldn't help but just stare. I really like this girl, and you may think "Taylor you say that about everybody" or "you just met her, and you didn't really even talk." Yea i know but there is just something different about her. I need to find a way to get to her without pissing Carter off or making it to obvious. I need help, but from who.... SHAWN. Shawn will help me, he just needs to get Carter out of his seat next to Lizzie so I can talk to her. Well I guess let's do this.
Taylor; hey Shawn I have a question
Shawn; yea
Taylor; can you distract Carter and show him a song or something to get him out of his seat I want to talk to Lizzie
Shawn; yea sure, but be careful tour has like barley even started and I don't want drama already
Taylor; I think I'm good
Shawn; okay, go back to your seat and I'll call him up
Taylor; thanks bro
Shawn; no problem
Lizzie's pov;
And now I'm alone, as I pull out my head phones to listen to music I feel somebody tap on my shoulder, I look over to see Taylor standing next to me
Taylor; hey can I sit down?
Lizzie; yea sure
Taylor; so how's your bus ride been so far?
Lizzie; pretty good, me and Carter talked about a few things but nothing important.
Taylor; oh yeah sounds like fun.
(I could hear the sarcasm in his voice)
Lizzie; yea
Wait, is Taylor caniff, the Taylor caniff staring at me!?
Lizzie; hello? Earth to Taylor...
Taylor; yea hey sorry you just have really beautiful eyes.
Shit,shit,shit my cheeks are burning, fuck
Lizzie; thanks your really sweet
Taylor's pov; 
She is blushing so bad right now and it's actually really adorable. I see tour is going to be fun.....

An hour later while boarding the plane Lizzie's pov;
I still don't know what that whole thing on the bus with Taylor was about, all I know is that I'm not getting played by a guy that I have to live on a tour bus with for the next month. And to add on top of my anxiety of flying alone, I just realized my plain seat isn't next to any of the guys. Just great. Cameron must have seen that I was nervous and ask the little old lady sitting next to me if they could switch seats, which she allowed. There's just something about Cameron that makes everybody love him, but that's just Cameron Dallas for you.
Cameron; hey you seem kinda nervous
Lizzie; yea, I've always been afraid of planes and flying
Cameron; well now you've got me to help calm you down
(Wait was he blushing)
Lizzie; thanks cam that means a lot, I realized that I had to sit alone and had a tiny panic attack
Cameron; awe I'm sorry, but now your not alone anymore are you
Lizzie; I guess not.
Just then, cameron and I locked eye contact and for once in my life, I realized what it was like to fall for somebody you could never have

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2017 ⏰

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