Chapter 26

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Bailey P.O.V.

B: Gabriel?!

G: Why do you keep calling me that?

B: Isn't that your name?

G: Yea, but-

B: Just listen. Why did you do that?

G: Because i feel bad for Sean. Do you ever wonder how he feels knowing that the love of his life doesn't remember him, do you? How would you feel if Ken doesn't remember you?!

B: Ugh fine, whatever.

Ok, i gotta admit he has a point. Now i really feel bad for Sean. I walked back to the principal office leaving Gabe to call Sean.

Principal: Malia, are you okay?

Bo: For the 10th time sir, i am okay.

Princi: Okay, so....are you sure?

B: Yes! She is okay, Can you please give her the new schedule?

Gabe P.O.V.

Convincing Sean to come to school is harder than i thought.....

Phone Conversation

G: Bro...

S: I can't see her Gabe, what if she remembers me and then she hates me, what if she doesn't like me anymore or she-

G: Sean, don't even think about that. For God sakes, i thought you loved her?!

S: .......

G: Sean, im sorry okay, It's just that i care about her and i don't want her to fall in the wrong hands. She is like a sister to me, you know?

S: ....I understand. You guys should meet me at Starbucks later.

G: .....Wow, you are still not coming to school.

S: Yep!

G: You are so unbelieveable.....

S: See ya

End of conversation

Wow, what a waste of my precious time. I walked back to principal office and met the principal giving Boogie and asking her if she was okay. Bailey rolled her eyes and dragged Boogie. Sheaden,Ken, Marielle and Tati followed them laughing until they say me and stopped.

Boogie gave me this smile. Yes it was a smile but isn't her normal smile. OK, now i'm confused.

Bailey P.O.V.

Principal: Here is your schedule Boogie, and take care.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed Boogie hands and dragged her out of there before she could answer. The rest followed, laughing about God knows what, but i stopped as soon as I saw Gabe walk in. I looked at Boogie as she smiled.

Ok, that wasn't a normal smile.

I looked like the smile she normally gives Sean when he......

Oh Shit....


Yes, i know, it's short, but i wanted to at least give you guys something. It probably doesn't make sense.

I decided to make the rest of the chapter short so i can update often. Anytime i have free time, i make a long one.


~Love, Zzy

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