Pesky Pokemon Go Playerz

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(Rap Mon's Pov)

I remember the jam packed day of August the 29th 2016, like it was yesterday.

I was chilling in the BTS house, eating my noodles, at 3am, binge watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians.

Kim was explaining how good her big butt surgery was, when I heard a set of footsteps slowly creaking down the stairs.

I paused the T.V to listen...


"Jesus Jimin, you scared me to death there!"

"Well sorry Kylie Jenner, a boy gotta eat his jam!!!"

"Kay, whatever."

I continued to watch Keeping Up With The Kardashians, whilst Jimin ate his jam.

Again I heard a creaking, this time coming from outside the back door.

"Suga I swear if that is you I will shove you in a jam jar and throw you in the trash."

Yet again I had to pause my T.V show and see what was at the door.

Then all I remember is a hard, glass bottle hitting my head and the faint smell of strawberry jam....

(Hillary's POV)

I was on the run from Her.

She did the deed but I failed to return it.

"I play Pokemon go, everyday.." I heard somebody sing.

Was it Her? Was she going to take over the world with Pokemon?

Nope, it was just those pesky Pokemon go players.

It was the year 2026, 10 yeas after She did the favour for me. Kanye was president and nobody could change that.

Kanye West is the Kanye Best...

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