Snoop, Close The Godamn Door

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(Snoop's POV)

I packed my bag full of weed and climbed into my helicopter.

It was green and sprayed weed as the propellers moved.

It was pretty lit fam.

I was on my way to save Namjoon from the evil goddess Marina.

I was halfway to Peru when I heard some emo music playing.

Brandon Urine from Panic At! The Discos. was now sitting next to me playing I Write Sins Not Tradgedies.

I was confused but when he sang, 'closing the goddamn door' he pointed to the helicopter door and realised it was open.

Silly Snoop.

I thanked Brandon and pushed him out the door and he landed in Cape Town.

I shut the goddamn door and carried on my journey to Namjoon. I coming for you.

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