Shrek Flying Out Windows

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(Marina's POV)

Oh no! Hillary! That carrot stick!!

Why did she tell the news people that I took him?

I'm going to h-have to resurrect all the animals n-now because t-they all DIED.

*starts crying a loot*

(Rap Mon's POV)

Sad times as frick. Marina doesn't feed me anything except jam.


Bill Nye is chill though. He's Marinas slave and he's really smart.

He wants to have his own to show one day. I must help him.

We need 'Bill Nye The Science Guy'!

"BILL! BILL! BILL! BILL!" Somebody said.

"Water you doing?" I asked.

"Bill Nye is Bill Fly." The person said, it was Shrek.

He then flew out my window of the peru temple and I never saw him again :(.

Jam In The Temple☆Book OneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang