chapter ten

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I walked in to my hotel room on cloud nine. I couldn't stop thinking about how amazing it was to perform in front of so many people. It felt so unreal to know that things were looking up for me and the band. I sat on my bed and pushed my way through twitter. I waited for sleep to come, but my eyes stayed open.

Ashton Irwin
@ Ashton5SOS
@ Nowa this was a good prank, I have to admit. Scared the shit out of Michael!

Michael Clifford
@ Michael5SOS

Keturah Laine
@ keturah_nowa
@ michael5SOS sorry :-)

Ashton Irwin
@ Ashton5SOS
@ keturah_nowa @ michael5SOS you should have seen his FACE I wish I had recorded it

Michael Clifford
@ michael5SOS
@ Ashton5SOS @ keturah_nowa I don't fuck with stranger things

@ shane_nowa
@ michael5SOS @Ashton5SOS @ keturah_nowa that was all Keturah's idea. Thank her!

Michael Clifford
@ Michael5SOS
@ keturah_nowa fuck you

Calum Hood
@ calum5SOS
@ Michael5SOS @ keturah_nowa excuse me don't bully my new friend

Michael Clifford
@ Michael5SOS
@ Calum5SOS @ keturah_nowa I do what I want!!!

I ignored the rest of their Twitter banter and tweeted myself.

Keturah Laine
@ keturah_nowa
Show was so fun that I can't sleep. Excited to see some more faces. See you soon London!!! xoxo

I set my phone down and pulled out my acoustic. I went through a few new songs and thought about something else I could write. I had to have some inspiration after everything that's happened to me. I mean, Calum Hood was a class mate of mine and now I was on tour with him. I finally made it on to a stage in front of people. I've shown that this wasn't just some silly dream I had. It was real.

Just before I could think of anything to write down, a knock at my door took me out of my train of thought. I got up and looked through the eye hole to see Calum standing at the door. I opened it up and he stared at me.

"Uh, hey," I said nervously.

"Hey," he gave a small smile.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I never got to tell you how great you were tonight," he said shyly. I had never seen this side before. He seemed so nervous. His hands were shoved in to the pocket of his black jeans while he looked at me. His brown eyes seemed to trap me as I looked at them. He looked older now, but the baby face remained.

"I got a little busy," I smirked.

"Oh yeah," he chuckled. "That was great and all, but we're gonna get you back for that!"

I only chuckled a bit at his statement.

"Anyways, I saw your tweet about not being able to sleep. I thought I could stop by since I'm in the same boat."

"Oh, yeah. Did you want to come in?" I asked.

"Sure," he smiled. He walked in as I opened the door wider for him. I led him to the bed and he sat down on it.

"I've just been playing my guitar for hours," i told him.

"Play me something," he said.

"Like what?" I chuckled.

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