Sugawara x Reader - The Mistake

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It was a very nice and sunny day outside not a cloud to be seen for miles and miles. You were out at the park with some acquaintances and your 2 best friends, (BF/N) //Best Friends Name// and your other best friend, and crush Sugawara Koushi and mostly just other friends of theirs as well. Suga was talking with his volleyball team in a group of their own talking about volleyball as usual while you sat next to (BF/N) as she/he talked with his/her friends, you just on your own watched Suga's every move as he talked with his team. You loved watching him talk with his friends and seeing him smile, it just warmed your heart and you just loved admiring him from a far.
You were close with Suga but it wasn't something the 2 of you seemed to show off to everyone around you. When you were alone you guys were clingy and giggly and do all the crazy things best friends do together, even bullying each other playfully, but with friends around the 2 of you, you both just seemed to not know each other well and didn't show you guys were so close. You didn't have all that many friends, mostly just him and (BF/N) and you didn't try talking to that many other people around you so mostly when friends were around you were with (BF/N). You didn't like it though, you wanted to show off your friendship with Suga since he was really only 1 of your 2 friends you really cared about and loved talking too. You never bothered to mention this with Suga because you didn't want to bother him with your depressing thought and causing more drama especially after a lot of things you and "old friends" had been through. Plus you knew he would talk to you about things with the team later on, whether it was good or bad cause he always enjoyed tell you about those things since the team seemed to always know how everyone was feeling. You did tell (BF/N) of your actual feelings of how you had a crush on him and how you guys were so distant around others and he/she understood how you felt.

(BF/N) had been talking with his/her friends catching up with them but after a while she settled down talking just listening to someone else talk. You took notice of this and took your chances to lean against (BF/N)'s shoulder and sighed a bit still watching Suga.
"You okay, (F/N) //first name//?" (BF/N) asked me.
I just simply nodded and closed my eyes.
You were a fairly quiet person and not that many people really talked to you because of the past which was something you wished everyone would just let go and move on from, but from time to time when someone would really talk to you, you would get overly excited and start talking so much and get hyper until your energy ran out. But for now you were rather quiet and not acting super crazy since no one would really payed attention to you today.
(BF/N) leaned his/her head against yours and rubbed your back a bit. To your not known knowledge (BF/N) had talked to Suga about him ignoring you when around with his team mates and others.  She/he told him that he should be more open with you when around the team. Suga understood how you felt and had actually had a good explanation to why that was. Apparently Suga also shared his feelings for you like how you did for him and the team had seemed to squeeze it out of him at one point so he didn't want to show you off to his team mates because he didn't want them saying anything to you the only person he knew he could really trust was Daichi with his secret. But he did agree that he should be more open to you and not avoid not sharing his friendship with you around others so he decided it was about time he treated you like an actual best friend and made it known to everyone.
This was the time Suga though it was time to start showing you off so he somewhat gathered all his team mates and they moved back behind you so they were facing your back in their huge group talking. You were sorta zoned out so you didn't see or hear them move behind you. After a while you felt a nice warm and familiar hand ruffle your hair. You looked up at him meeting his nice warm brown eyes and you smiled warmly seeing his famous goofy smile.
Hinata had apparently started bragging about how much he loved having Kageyama's tosses being thrown to him and Suga was tired of hearing the conversation over and over so he took his chance to hang out with you while Hinata talked.
You smiled and stood up off (BF/N) having your back face Suga's front and stretched from being in the sitting position for so long, just as you were about to turn around when Suga wrapped his arms around your waist tightly hugging you from behind winding his fingers into yours tightly. This was new to you, Suga rarely ever did this especially in public. You didn't complain though it was a nice feeling especially in front of all those people. You leaned against him slightly and inhaled softly taking in his nice scent.

"But Suga-senpai's tosses are amazing too!! They help me keep in contact with Kageyama's and get used to his as well!!" Hinata started including Suga into the conversation.
As Suga heard his name being mentioned he turned around still holding you as the team took his attention towards Suga. You blushed a bit at his actions as you felt the team focus their attention on you both watching you 2 in awe.
Tanaka and Noya started making weird screaming noises as if they were holding something back, you didn't know them well so maybe it was just their regular personalities.
Suga had told the team, ESPECIALLY Tanaka and Noya, that they weren't to say anything to you about his feeling. So this was their way of holding it back

But little to his knowledge Asahi wasn't good at keeping his mouth shut either. While everyone started talking again Asahi tried to be subtle and whisper to Daichi "No wonder he likes her... She's pretty and she seems sweet." You heard this remark since the 2 weren't all that far away from them and you felt yourself tense up and you weren't the only one who did that Suga tensed up as well. His secret was out and didn't know how you would react.
Daichi gave Asahi a harsh slap on the back of the head "Idiot!" He scolded him. Causing the other team mates to stop talking and face towards you guys.
"Sorry, Daichi!! I didn't think she would hear me!!" He cried has he rubbed his head where he was hit.

Suga took this time to let go of you since it seemed really awkward to be holding you at the moment. You turned around and face him.
"Koushi, you like me?" You managed to say out while your face turned slightly red.
Suga knew it wasn't easily to lie his way through this and he didn't want to hide his feelings anymore, so he was honest.
"(F/N), yes, I like you, no, it's not only like... I love you more than anything. You're just so amazing..." He slowly leaned his forehead against yours and kept his voice quiet and closed his eyes softly as he said that. "And I understand if you don't feel the same wa-" he was suddenly cut off by feeling your lips press up against his and he slid his hands down to your hips holding you as he returned the kiss.
The team watched in awe not saying anything at all, this was a surprise cause they always managed to ruin the moment. You both looked at each other and you had tears of joy in your eyes. "Soo... I guess that means.. You're my girlfriend?" He blushed looking away after asking the awkward question.
You giggled a bit and nodded "Of course Koushi." He smiled at your answer and pulled you close to him again engulfing you into anther kiss but with more passion and wrapped his arms around your waist. You smiled and returned the kiss wrapping your arms around his neck keeping his close as being more happy than you have ever been. You finally had the happiness you have been waiting for.

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