Chapter 9: Just call me a hero, or reckless that works too

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It was a quiet morning as I sat in my favorite spot of the cafe. Sure I felt a bit guilty for not buying anything, but I loved the atmosphere. I stared out the window at the sun resting on the tops of the Central City buildings. It was so beautiful, hard to believe some people walked right past things like this without paying them any mind.

I reached down and felt the pocket generator to be sure it was still there. I gave myself a quick surge and went back to the window. Suddenly I heard screaming and a couple windows shatter from outside. Before I could react I saw a red blur blast past the window. Of course The Flash would be there saving the day once again, did he ever take the day off?

I walked over to the glass doors to get a better view of the action. There was a man standing on an overturned semi, telepathically throwing cars, and turning the streets into chaos. Then The Flash raced up to him about to throw him a good punch when he suddenly stopped in midair. The metahuman looked at him and began to conjure up shards of broken glass, lost bullets and the like and aimed them at the hero's head. He squirmed trying to vibrate out of the mental grip but he stayed locked as the objects inched their way closer.

I knew I had to do something.

Without a second thought a pulled the hood up on my hoodie and raced out the double doors. I dashed over to the man without thinking and surged in his direction sending out an array of sparks. Not enough to kill him, but enough to knock him out. Suddenly he flew backward and slammed into a parked fire truck.

Immediately all the cars, junk, and The Flash dropped. I felt so alive and confident when I realized everyone, including Barry, was staring at the new hero. I felt myself blush and raced to a streetlamp to traveled back to the labs. I stopped in the hallway sending myself flying out of one of the lightbulbs. I landed on my knees and tried to calm down.

What the heck did I just do?

I got up just in time to see a red blur zip down the hall and stop in front of me.

"Ok, that was different." Barry said.

"And awesome!" Cisco said excitedly coming over with a huge grin on his face.

"Really? Thanks, I just figured I'd help out back there." I explained.

"As 'awesome' as that was it was also extremely reckless and dangerous." Dr. Wells joined in from behind.

"In my defense I was just trying to help." I explained.

"That may have been the case but even so you have a hard enough time controlling your powers. You could have seriously hurt or even killed that man." He explained harshly.

"However all the tests we've been running actually helped. I was sorta able to control it back there."

"True, Alex, but what about when you can't control it? You are extremely dangerous. As badly as you want to help out you don't know what all you're capable of. Just last night you figured out you could see through walls."

He was right, but I hated the fact I couldn't help out yet. Then again I couldn't stand the thought of killing another person. The truth was I really didn't know what I was doing, but ever since I got these powers I couldn't seem to stop going out of my way to help.

"Wells is right," Caitlin agreed, "You could end up giving someone paralysis or a mentally retarded abrasion."

"If I can point out I didn't exactly start out knowing everything when I became the Flash," Barry explained, "Maybe letting her 'help out' would let her practice."

Wells sighed, "Maybe, but after we run a few more tests on her powers. She isn't exactly like you Barry, but if she learns to master them, maybe." He said and wheeled silently away.

Barry smiled at me, "Thanks back there."

"No problem." I replied.

"And don't worry about Mind Breaker; he came to about an hour ago when we locked him up." Cisco assured.

"Good." I breathed.

"You know, lately I've been thinking we might need a suit for you." Cisco proposed. "No promises but you could definitely join team Flash. That is if you want to."

"Sure." I said smiling.

"Alright, new member of the Flash." He announced as he hi-fived me.

"Which means you'll also have to be extremely careful." Caitlin warned.

"Ok." I swore.

A few hours later I was in my room journaling. Wells gave me a notebook since it might help me release my feelings in a safer, non-electrical way. It did help me get my thoughts in order and provided a great way to lock away my night terrors, but just couldn't connect with it.

What I really needed was my violin. But that thing had been crushed to splinters by my dad's car tires. He hated my music, especially when he was getting over one of his hangovers. I really didn't care if my music sounded good or not, it just made me feel alive and helped me vent out any problems I had. But I guess the real reason I took up the violin was because I needed an excuse to stay out the house. That wasn't enough though; I also took up gymnastics, self-defense, and pottery. But no matter how long or what I did to keep myself away, I still wound up with bruises on my face.

Once I had finished my final thought I decided to wash up. Which is a hard thing to do without water, but not impossible. As groomed I couldn't help wondering about Dr. Wells. Not only was he keeping something from us, but he was also the main boss.

If that isn't a good mix, I don't know what is.

I guess the reason it bothered me so much was that I could see no good reason to hide perfectly good legs in a wheel chair. I knew it couldn't have been because of laziness. That man was anything but lazy. I really wanted to find out more, but it didn't look like those doors would be opening anytime soon.

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