Chapter 12: P055E5ED (Barry)

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Suddenly Alex crumpled to the floor crying out in pain. We rushed over trying to get to tell us what was wrong. Unfortunately the only thing we got from her cries was 'something in there' as in the computer. Then her shoulders rolled back and she fainted on the tile floor.

"Alex!" I said shaking her trying to get her to revive. No luck.

"Alex, come on!" Caitlin tried without response, "Let's take her back and scan for anything abnormal."

Caitlin grabbed one thin arm and I took the other carrying her limp body from the room. We laid her on a cot in the medic wing and I let her and Cisco take over.

After half an hour Cisco walked out flustered, "Well, we got the scans back. She isn't showing any signs; except her brain is at a high electromagnetic state, like the electricity in her brain is rearranging."

"Do you know how she got it?" I asked.

"We're not sure, but whenever she touched the energy in the computer it somehow transferred. I have yet to check the computer, for now Alex should be fine."  He made his way over to the computer and poked around at the motherboard.

"Oh, that's weird." Cisco mumbled, "Whatever energy inside here had almost busted out."

I dashed over to look at the charred circuitry. Sure enough the biggest piece of the numerous wires and bulbs was charred.

"Do you think she absorbed the signal?" I asked.

"I don't know what all she's capable of, but since she can communicate with technology maybe."

"Very intelligent guess." A voice from behind us remarked.

We spun around to see Alex standing straight up staring at the both of us.

"Alex, what- ," I began to ask out of shock, "is everything ok?"

"Alex does not inhabit this body anymore. "She replied almost robotically.

Cisco and I exchanged glances.

"Alex, why don't we sit down? We wanna be sure you're ok." Cisco suggested coming closer.

"Alex is not here. I am Brainiac," She insisted, "I am in search of Gideon."

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"I traced a high fluctuating energy source to S.T.A.R Labs. It holds more information than myself. I demand to see it."

"Are you the energy source from the computer?" I asked suddenly realizing this might've been the source of the problem.

"Yes, I am Brainiac. I am the omniscient and all powerful force."

"If you know all, why do you need us to show you to that source?" Cisco asked.

"Let me put it to you this way." She said. Then in a moment she shot out her hand sending volts of electricity slamming Cisco back over a desk and into the wall.

"Cisco!" I yelled and dashed back to him. I bent down and nudged him best I could, luckily he perked up. I glared over at Alex and got up ready for her to strike again.

"OK Brainiac, whatever you're looking for its not here." I said.

"You're lying." She said as if she already knew what I was going to say, "Or just too stupid to know what power sits under your very noses. Not matter I'll find it myself."

Just as she turned to leave Dr. Wells wheeled in.

"What's going on in here?" he asked.

"Ah, Doctor Harrison Wells himself. You've arrived just in time." Brainiac cooed strolling up to his wheelchair.

"Alex, what's going on?" Wells demanded.

"That's not Alex, that's the program from the computer. It's possessing Alex." I explained.

"What do you want?" Wells asked cautiously.

"I was just explaining to these friends that I'm looking for an all-powerful energy source called Gideon."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh, don't play coy. I know you have it, I traced it here myself."

"Well it isn't here and I can't imagine you would use it for anything good,"

"Oh, don't judge so easily. Besides I'd really hate for something to happen to that brain of yours." She hissed sliding her hand around his face and up to his forehead, "Though that could all simply be avoided if you told me where the source is."

Wells jerked away from her hand, "No, I won't. You can do whatever you want to me, but get out of Alex's body!" 

"Why? In fact I'm very much enjoying it." She held out her hand letting lightning dance around her fingertips, "So much power." She breathed as she admired her new vessel then slammed her energized hand to Wells' forehead, "Last chance Doctor. I'd sure love to get inside that mind of yours."

Before Wells could answer I charged. I grabbed Brainiac and drug her down to the basement cells. I carefully set her inside and locked its glass entrance. I stood in front of the containment to get a good look at our new prisoner, I hoped temporarily.

Once she realized where she was she grew tense and threw her head back. But instead of a howl or a defiant rant to be let out, she smiled.

"Do you honestly think this prison can hold me?" She asked as if questioning a small child.

"It should." I said sounding more sure than I felt.

She let out a small laugh and made her way towards the entrance so the glass was the only thing separating us.

"I'll spare you the surprise and tell you it won't." She threw me a nostalgic look, "Honestly Barry, are you even aware of what you're capable of?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You're speed is one of the most powerful forces in this dimension. And look what you're using for, saving poor little damsels in distress and running marathons on scientific treadmills; which both has lead you to the same destination. Nowhere."

"If you think you can make me turn against Wells you're wrong."

"Turn against Wells? Why he's turned against you! And you're painfully too ignorant to realize it."

"I don't know what you're talking about, but when I come back you better be ready to let Alex go."

"By the time you'll get back I'll be gone." She smirked.

I turned to leave and then broke out into a dash until I was all the way upstairs back in the lobby.

"Everybody ok?" I asked.

"We're fine." Caitlin announced treating a wound on Cisco's arm.

"I have Brainiac locked up downstairs." I said.

"Good," Cisco said quickly sucking in a sharp breath as Caitlin applied hydrogen peroxide to his cut.

"That won't hold her." Wells said, "What we need is a plan and I just so happen to have one."

"What?" I asked as we all turned to Wells

"A computer virus is what brought her here, if we can get her to transport back into a computer, there should be a way to separate her from Alex's consciousness without hurting her while ridding us of Brainiac." He explained, "For now she should be crawling through our programs trying to find what she thinks is an energy source," He explained wheeling himself to a recovering computer.

"She said something about Gideon." I recalled.

"Yes, I have no clue what she was talking about but whatever she had discovered it can't do much good for anyone but her." He said typing.

Suddenly out of nowhere the lights shuddered and then blew out. Luckily the computers stayed on but even so it could go any minute.

"Well you decided to play a little game with me, how fun." A voice from the overhead speakers cackled, "You may think you have the upper hand but you cannot fathom what you're dealing with. No matter, I'll play your little treasure hunt. But it won't be my only prize."

And that's when the computers blew out.

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