Chapter Ten

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Someone knocked on my door. It was probably Nick, considering I haven’t answered his texts or calls in a week. The truth was that I was too busy with thinking whether or not I should move back with Dan or stay here with Nick, and work.

“You still alive?” Yep. That’s Nick.

“Yeah, come in! It should be unlocked!” I was watching TV and eating ice cream, while thinking about the Dan situation.



“Why haven’t you answered me?”

What do I say? I shoved the last spoonful of ice cream in my mouth and walked into the kitchen to set the bowl down in the sink.


“Yeah, sorry. I don’t know, I’ve just been busy.”

“For seven days?”


“You couldn’t pick up the phone for two minutes?”

“It was dead.”

“For seven days?”

“I can’t find the charger.”

“Did you even look?”


“Did you think to use one of your friends’ phone?”

“Friends? There’s only two people I know in this town! You and Khloe!”

“Who is Khloe?”

“The girl who works with me!”

“Why are you yelling?”

“I don’t know!”

“Jesus! All I did was ask you some questions!”


“Yes! Some!”

“Whatever.” I know I was being kind of rude, and I might have been lying a LITTLE BIT, but the truth is, the month or so I’ve been with Nick, I’m not feeling that we would last forever. I feel like I need to give Dan a second chance. I mean, Dan and I had made it to engagement. But he did abuse me.. I don’t know!

“I want you to meet someone.”


“I want you to meet someone.”

“Who? Do you have someone on the side?”

Are you kidding me? Does he really think I’m that untrustworthy, that I would cheat on him?

I just rolled my eyes and pulled my laptop out. Luckily, Dan was online.

Hey, you wanna meet someone?’ I pushed enter.

“You’re cheating on someone with me?” Nick assumed.

“Jesus fuck! I don’t cheat on people! If I’m unhappy in a relationship I would break up with them! God! I would never sink that low!”

Dan’s profile picture popped up, and I answered the call. I could hear Dan munching on a bag of chips.

“Who’s that?” Nick and Dan said at the same time.

“Nick, meet Dan. Dan, meet Nick.” I introduced them to each other. Dan smiled politely and waved. Wow, he’s being nicer than expected.

“Is that your boyfriend?” Dan asked, after eating his last chip.

“Yeah, I am. Mara, who is this?” Nick sounded angry.

“This is Dan.” I decided that I’m going to be a bit difficult, just to test Nick. “Dan, tell what our past relationship has been.”

“Are you sure?”

Yeah, before Nick punches you through the computer screen, I thought. “Yeah, of course.” I smiled to reassure Dan.

“We started dating a long while back, and then I proposed, but then we broke up.” Dan explained.

“Why did you guys break up?”

“I hit her a few times too many.”

“So you’re talking a guy who beat you. Oh, that’s nice.” Nick said.

Don’t be a sarcastic bastard, Nick.

“People change, Nick.”

“Yeah, but you don’t get back with insane people who beat you!”

“Who said I was getting back with him?”

Shit. I hope Dan doesn’t take offense.

“Well it sounded like you wanted to!”

“Is that what you believe?”

“That’s what I know!”

“So, if I got back with him, what would you think of me?”

“I wouldn’t care that you broke up with me! You’re crazy to even consider being in a serious relationship with that fuck.”

“So what you’re saying to me is, you don’t really care if we’re dating or not.”

“Now? Not really Mara.”

“Well, I guess we’re done then.”

“You’re breaking up with me?” He looked so pathetic. Why did I even like this guy in the first place?

“Did I fucking stutter?”

“Well fuck you too.”

“Bye!” I waved, as he walked out the door. What. An. Asshole. “So, Dan, do you still have room in that place we should call ours?”

He looked stunned. “W-what?”

“Would you mind if I moved back in with you?”

“No, not at all.” His smile was so big, it looked almost painful. “I have to clean up first and make sure it doesn’t smell, but yes!”

Him smiling made me smile. “Thank you. Hey, will you play me another song?” I wanted to hear his beautiful voice again.

“Yeah, any requests?”

“Do you know Back In Black?” Back when we were together, he would wake me up blaring this song.

“I sure do!”

The next thing I know, I’ve quit my job, and I’m at Dan’s doorstep, carrying all my bags.

“MARA!” Dan met me at the door, and squeezed me so tight, one of my bags fell on the ground. “I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!” He held my face in his hand and kissed me, and not just a quick kiss either.

“I missed you too.” I smiled. My god, I’m already loving Dan more than ever. I didn’t even feel this way when I was with Nick.

We're Not Broken, Just Bent ♪ Daniel HowellWhere stories live. Discover now