Chapter 15:Finally Caught And The Akatsuki

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Just had to post the picture with how funny it is. Tell me who you think would win. Sorry if you don't know the anime Bleach. A little background info on Mayuri Kurotsuchi, he is a mad scientist just like our Orochimaru, only Orochimaru is much more handsome than Mayuri. Now, back to our regularly scheduled program. 😂
Orochimaru's POV:
I woke up before Kikyo and smiled at her sleeping form. I gently placed a hand on her forehead to feel if her temperature was still there and it was gone. Looks like she's not sick anymore. I quietly got up and made sure that I didn't wake her up. I left for my secret lab in the basement and looked at all the specimen around to test on. I picked up a syringe and flicked it a couple of times. I then turned to the body on the metal slab and inserted the syringe.

After I pushed the liquids into the body, I pulled the syringe out and placed it on the table, only to have the door burst open with two ANBU coming into the room, followed by sensei. I smirked, knowing who would come in after them. Sensei walked in calmly with his eyes narrowed at my back and Enma came in afterwards. "So, Orochimaru, I should've known I'd find you. Now speak, tell me exactly what you are doing here!" He commanded angrily. I just chuckled and turned my head slightly, looking at him from the corner of my left eye.

"You foolishly chose to become Hokage above unlocking all the mysteries of nature. To me, the lifespan of the human body is too short." I paused to turn my body fully facing him, my arms outstretched slightly like I was preaching. "Even if I did rise to the position of Hokage...once I died, everything I'd learned and mastered would be lost forever." I explained. My smirk never faltered, even after his look of surprise.

His eyes narrowed again and he gathered his thoughts. "You can't mean that you're experimenting with that jutsu here!" He said with not as much surprise.

I just chuckled again. I looked at Enma's agitated face as I did. "Yes, the very one...I want the immortality jutsu." I told him. Enma got in a fighting stance and sensei looked down sadly. I quickly ran out the door, vaguely hearing Enma yell at sensei, and made it out into the forest surrounding the village.

I sighed and heard someone scream out to me as I felt two different chakras. I looked behind me to see Kikyo and Jiraiya there and I smirked. "Orochimaru, why?" Jiraiya asked me. I just shrugged and he got into a fighting stance. "Come on, Kikyo, we can take him...Kikyo?" He questioned when he saw her head hanging low. I held my right arm out to the side of me as she walked over to me. I then wrapped it around her and she hid her face in my chest. "Please, you two, reconsider." Jiraiya pleaded. I had Kikyo go farther away, so as not to drag her into our fight.

I then pulled out a kunai. "No, never!" I yelled at him. I started running towards him and jumped into the air. 'How foolish do you think we are? Stop now? When I'm so close to seeing all my plans come to fruition? Impossible. Everything will be ours. I won't be contained by the leaf village, or even by my own achieve my goals, I'll do whatever it takes, we'll get through an organization all by ourselves.' I thought as I fought him. We clashed Kunais and I aimed a kick at his head. He blocked and grabbed my foot, twirling me around and throwing me at a tree. I landed safely, jumping at him again and faked going for his stomach, hitting the top of his head with the butt of my kunai to knock him out.

I smirked and pulled Kikyo back to me. "Sorry old friend." I said with no regret in my voice or facial expression. Kikyo snuggled more into my chest and I placed my hand under her chin, bringing her head up to meet my gaze. "I'm sorry if you didn't want to leave." I said and kissed her deeply. She immediately responded and I pulled away a few minutes later.

I smirked at her light blush as she smiled up at me. "I would go anywhere for you." She told me. I smiled as she kissed my cheek and she continued to blush. I chuckled at her innocence and we continued on our way. We then reached near the Hidden Grass Village within a few hours. I saw the doors leading into the hideout and smirked as they opened.

I looked down at Kikyo lovingly. "We're here." I told her. She smiled happily and I entered the door.

"Today we welcome two new members to the Akatsuki." Pein introduced. I walked in with my arm around Kikyo to show that she's mine. I looked around, seeing only five people. Pein walked up to us and motioned to each member, starting at Konan. He then went to Zetsu, Kisame, and finally Sasori.  Kisame gently grabbed Kikyo's hand and placed a kiss on it, making me growl.  He looked up at me and smirked.  Pein coughed to break the tension.  "Konan will show you to your room."  He told us and left for his office.

Konan came up to us and smiled.  "Welcome to the Akatsuki and it's a relief to know I'm not the only girl here."  She told Kikyo and hugged her.  Kikyo hugged back and smiled.  They broke away as they both continued to smile.  "Right this way to your room.  We made accommodations to allow you two to sleep in the same room.  It has a king-sized bed and two dressers with a joint bathroom and walk-in closet.  Go ahead and rest for today.  Tomorrow, Pein will have you demonstrate what you're capable of."  Konan explained to us and left.

Kikyo laid down on the right side of the bed while I laid on the left and pulled her close to me.  "It seems no one got the picture that you are mine.  I'll have to make sure they know you belong to me."  I told her as I kissed her neck.  She shivered as I gently bit down and sucked on the sensitive skin on her neck.  She moaned out as I took my time marking her again.  I laid her on her back and pinned her wrists above her head with one hand.  The other hand was unbuttoning her shirt.  "I won't take you until we're married, but I do want a little bit of fun."  I whispered seductively in her ear.  She shivered once more as my hot breath tickled her ear.  I then looked into her eyes and she knew she was in for a long night.

Give me one chance.  (An Orochimaru love story.) {complete}Where stories live. Discover now