Large door towards mystery!

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The first day at college was way far from things i've been planning of. From then onwards i always stick to Lucy like we never split. I just couldn't imagine of looking at things that are always a dream. Dreams never come true and I dont want them to.

Few weeks after, Lucy excused herself towards the cafeteria, i didn't wanted to follow her. "I'll catch ya in the class in 5 minutes" said Lucy and ran in a hurry. I kept walking toward the corridor until i heard a scream from behind the walls. I ignored them onces but yet again i heard the same loud scream. I turned around and made sure that no one else except for me heard the noise and so i wanted to mind my own business. I walked faster this time, not wanting anything else interrupting my quiet walk but the sound started to become louder and louder. I soon walked towards a girl who was standing in front of her locker, reading something. " hey you" said I. She at once turned in a frightful way trying to hide the letter she was reading behind her shirt. It was Ani, my class mate. "Are you okay?" Asked I forgetting the fact why i came towards her for. "ya, yah! I'm fine" Ani replied but i saw she had something that she didn't want to share with. Did she get a love letter or what? Interrupting my thoughts Ani asked "what made you stop by my locker today?" And that is when i remembered. "oh well, did you hear anyone screaming a while ago?" At a glance she replied no. I had nothing else to ask her or any other to verify the fact, i was hopeless. So i kept moving again and for my bad timing i heard the screams again and this time it was so clear that I heard a girl's voice and a small boy's voice too along with it. I still wanted to ignore it but i couldn't. This sound made me so exhausted.

I made up my mind and walked towards the way from where the screams came from. I came to a large door that was locked. I unlocked it and stepped inside. My heart started racing. I could almost hear the whisper now, i was sure that i was getting closer. Now i had no intention to walk back. The room led to a passage way from where i saw shadows of around 2 people. I eavesdropped there conversation but couldn't get to know what exactly they were talking about. I kept two steps ahead,still hiding myself beside the wall.

"i will never let you go if you don't taste this now" said a voice almost shouting. "let me go or I'll scream again" said a girl making it certain that she is not gonna accept what ever the guy is requesting her to do. I peeped in to see who it was. There was a girl with blonde hair wearing a long denim, blue blouse and a shawl around her neck. She was facing the opposite side. Though i couldn't see who the girl was, i clearly saw the guy but couldnt recognize him. He had a sharp nose and blue eyes, through his slim fit t-shirt his six packs are handsomely noticable. But what was he trying to do? Why is he forcing up a girl to drink something that she isn't willing to. Appearance wise he looks decent but what's going on here.

Suddenly i felt something behind me and jumped in great fear to see a wild cat with long paws looking at me. I fell down, sitting in front of the big fat cat that still had a wild look. Oh My God!! I was sitting towards the passage, they should have seen me. I turned toward them with horror and i was pushed to a shock. I couldn't believe what was going on. There was no one there, not even a sign of anyone. I turned front to see the cat was also gone. I soon stood on my feet. I turned around and all i could see was cobwebs and empty space.

"i should be strong, should be strong, darling there's nothing wrong here, your okay" i kept repeating this to me but i could no more hold it up. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" i screamed and collapsed.

Relieved!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt