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S-P-R-I-N-G-T-R-A-P:Awwwwww that's cute .1 question where is Purple Guy?and a dare BB and JJ prank everyone.

Me:Oh Purple Guy?He is in a cage and he gets tortured every day for an hour >:3

BB:Yay!We get to prank everyone JJ!

JJ:What are pranks BB?

BB:Pranks are when you play a little joke on somebody!

JJ:Oh.Ok! :3

*With Foxy*

BB:*Hides in the secret room behind an arcade machine*Hahaha

Foxy:*Hears BB and goes into secret room*Hello?

BB:*Jump scares Foxy*




BB:*laughs harder*

*With Mangle in the office*

JJ:*hides under the table*

Mangle:Where's the night guard?*gets out of the vent and looks for the night guard*

JJ*sneaks up behind Mangle*


JJ:*jumpscares Mangle*


JJ:sorry Mangle

Mangle:.........its ok

BB:What should we do for the others JJ?

JJ:I don't know 

BB:I know!We can take one of the gift boxes and put a bomb.Mangle and Foxy can you help?

Mangle and Foxy:Sure!

Mangle and Foxy: everyone come to the stage there is a gift!

*everyone comes to the stage*

Mangle and Foxy:*run away*

*Freddy opens the gift and the bomb explodes*

JJ and BB:XD

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