Chapter One

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I woke up very early like I usually did I went into the kitchen I watched the servants cook I helped them with whatever they needed and I wood eat with them at the small servants table this was my real family because they treated me like a Human being which I never got from my mom my brother and my sister

Now my sister Sabrina would sneak and talk to me I would write her notes and the servants would deliver them to her

I always thought maybe I really had a problem but before my father died I was alot more social I would talk but for the past nine years I have not said a word

My father was my rock I did speak but I couldn't speak well but he taught me then her got taken away from me

Most of my days required me eating watching television and going to sleep I wouldn't wear dresses like the rest of the princess did why because there was no point I was never out to be seen

I haven't had a birthday since I was ten and I don't think I ever will and my birthday was next Wednesday

I overheard the maids talking about the suitors coming this week on Friday but I didn't have hope last year when I turned 18 I was supposed to get shipped off to a new place to become king but my mother said she wouldn't let me marry high up she wanted me to marry Scotland

My sisters are going to be getting shipped this week I heard it but what about me I was a 18 year old virgin and I still haven't been matched

I walked away about to get ready I bumped into someone I noticed it was my mom she had anger in her face I bowed she yanked me by my chin

"Speak!." She spat at me I opened my mouth then started tearing up

"Lord you are so pitiful and I want you gone you will be joining your sisters on Friday to meet the suitor."

I looked shocked I nodded I was really happy i ran to my room starting my bath

I relaxed then after that I got dressed in my usual clothing jeans and top

I laid on my bed I wonder who the guy is


I sat in my room with Kevin , Kevin is my sisters soon to be husband I'm not sure if I'm ready for her to be married at such a young age even though I'm going to be marrying from his family too he says he has three sisters he showed pictures of the three

"This is Peyton I think you would like her she is seventeen about to me eighteen later this year."

"Yeah she is pretty."

"This is Sabrina she is the youngest almost seventeen."

"She is kinda to young for me don't you think so is the first one how old is the last one." He looked hesitant

"She is about to be nineteen her name is Dove." He rolled his eyes

"Wow she is gorgeous but why did you roll your eyes."

"She is the freak she might be nice looking but she is a defect she doesn't talk we barely see her and she doesn't wear princess clothing also she eats with the servants she is weird."

"Wow I don't think she will ever find a suitable husband what made her so weird."

"Oh she has always had problems talking she just got worse once our father passed."

Well I probably would never choose her but somebody will I mean she is beautiful

"Excuse me prince the queen would like a word."

"Alright your dismissed." I waved her off getting up

"Excuse me kevin." I said leaving

"Yes mother?" I asked as I sat down in thee chair across from her she smiled

"How do you feel about choosing one of the Quinn's to be your future wife."

"Well I would feel better if I could make the choice myself but..."

"Daniel I'm not doing this again with you it's a tradition you never know you may be lucky like your father and I and find your soul mate." My mom smiled widely

"Yeah I hope so to." I looked down  I really wish I could pick my own life


First chapter  hopefully you liked it I've worked very hard on this book

I'm gonna try to update this book whenever I can hopefully every other day

School is really stressful and it's taking up my time so yeah

Love you guys

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