Chapter Two

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I walked around the dark parts of the castle I heard laughter coming from outside I starred at my sister's with my mother all of them in nice dresses and beautiful makeup as they danced in the gardens

Me I sat here in these shadows staring at walls my hair was up my face pale baggy clothes with nothing else to do I miss my father the fact that he was no longer here made feel unwelcome

My mom wanted to send me away when I was 9 because I couldn't speak clearly but my father denied her request but soon he was ill and everything turned bad

All of the nobles knew she had a older daughter but they never saw me word got around that I was a beautiful hidden face which made my mom livid because she never thought of me having such beauty like my younger sisters now my brother was my father's first born meaning first child born I was the first girl born

The laughing stopped I looked at the clock it was 12:30 time for lunch I walked away from my secret room going through the hidden castle walls to the servants kitchen

"Oh my Dove is here." The servants greeted I smiled

"Is there anything I can help with." I wrote in the pad

"Yes Marie is sick today so the Queen said you will be serving their food." She rolled her eyes making me giggle

"Don't worry Lola I will be fine." I wrote smiled grabbing the cart with food on it I rolled it through to the dining hall there was a my mother the queen , My sisters and some more nobles

My mother's eyes widen as she saw me I looked down as I saw her smirk

"Good afternoon your highness." Lola said placing the food in front of them

This was embarrassing I a princess was serving nobles how will I ever become a queen if they see me like this who would want me as a wife for there sons I would be a good servant I guess

I continued serving I got to Peyton and she snickered

"I would like my chicken in my salad cut smaller." She smiled

I pointed to the kitchen basically saying to send it back

"I would like you to cut it right here."

I picked my pad from my back pocket I wrote something for her getting angry

"It's not my job to I was being nice enough to serve you I am a princess just like you I should be sitting here eating with all of you." She read out loud

"Well it's your fault you eat with the servants you don't deserve to be called a princess."

All of the nobles nodded I looked down walking away I ran back to my room in the shadows I sat in the dark room crying after crying I laid there looking at the ceiling wondering why my life had to be so difficult

It was no night fall everyone went to there chambers to sleep this was the perfect time for my plan that I have been thinking about

I just wanted to be normal that's all that I asked for maybe I should just end the abuse I walked quietly into the dungeon I went into the pantry it help weapons and poisons I picked up one of the bottles heading into the kitchen I grabbed a tea kettle heating up the water then pouring it into a mug I put the poison in it adding some flavor I stirred it bringing it up to my lips

The light quickly turned on and there stood an angry looking Sherrie she was my grandmother of the servants and Lola was like my mom she was holding the small bottle with a scares look she rushed to me

"Please tell me you didn't do this tell me you weren't thinking what what I'm thinking you were about to do." She held my face my tears started again I started to speak


"Come on dove you can do it tell me what's wrong tell me why you tried to end your precious life."

"I-im t-tired of family's b-bullying me." I said tears running down my face

"Oh my poor baby can you hold out until Friday once you are picked you will be done." I nodded hugging her tight I wish I had my dad right now

I know I will never be chosen to become a queen who would want someone like me  I walked slowly back into my dark room I looked at myself in the mirror I saw a broken girl I didn't look like me

There was no words to describe me you could say I was beautiful , you might think I was normal

I starred at the photo of me and my mom when I was a baby I looked just like her only her hair was a shade darker she looked so happy I saw the real love as she looked down at me the smile she had on her face is one I have not seen as she looked at ne now there was a missing piece in this picture

•Next Day•

I got up at 6:00 I looked around my room I could see the beauty of the sun shining through my windows I smiled I heard the birds chirping I could smell the grass

It was always beautiful at the end of summer today was the 25th of September the closer we get to my birthday October the 2nd I was not full of excitement because I would most likely do the same thing I did every year spend it with Lola Sherrie and the other servers

I got up bathed brushed my teeth then decided to find what I would wear I looked through my one of a kind dresses maybe I should wear one today

I went  for one but changed my kind I was gonna stay in my room. Today forget about being out there I'm not needed nor wanted


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