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China is NOT a part of the G8

Some people like to think that he is because he's part of the allies he should be a part of the G8 right?


Re-watch the episodes with the G8 present and you'll find that China isn't present in the group (Russia even comments on his absence I believe). Like look, he's not there at all because he isn't a part of it.

Still don't believe me? A quick Google search should fix that.

I think that people in the fandom think that the G8 is something Hima made up when it's not. It's like a real thing. (And from what I've read it's now the G7 because Russia got kicked out or something idk.)

Anyway here's a quote I got from Google by Googling "the G8"

"The Group of Eight (G8) refers to the group of eight highly industrialized nations—France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, Japan, the United States, Canada, and Russia—that hold an annual meeting to foster consensus on global issues like economic growth and crisis management, global security, energy, and terrorism."

Read the list of countries again and you'll find that China isn't listed.

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