Part two:10 grade and "A"

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*We enter to Our classroom*
Manuel:María! Ariana! Veronica!
*The girl hug Manuel. When they stop hugging*
Veronica:My mom said that we are "The Liars Team"
Ariana:Remeber no one believe us that were a "A" person that try to kill us.
María:Patricia is not blind!
Manuel, Veronica and Ariana:What?!?
*Patricia start walking to The kids*
Patricia:Hi, I know that you think I was "A". BTW "A" is a person that would never stop.
María:How do you know?
Manuel:Are you "A"?
Patricia:No, but I knew that Fernando was "A" Because he told me. "A" is lock but Remember, there are more "A" that want to kill you...
*Patricia left. Inmideatly they reseave a  "A" text*
Manuel:"You think I will stop...
Ariana:Let me tell you that Patricia was right...
Veronica:A is not a person, is a Team...
María:Like my Team Liars, that are you...
María, Manuel, Ariana, Veronica:"A"...

The Liars Team: A is a Team not one personWhere stories live. Discover now