Part ten:The Red Coat and the text

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*The next day at 7:55-8:00 pm.
Fernando:Are you ready?
Sebastian:Yes and you Manuel. Did you invite Ariana, Veronica And María?
Fernando:Read Coat is comming. Manuel And Sebastian go to Meet her
*Manuel And Sebastian left. When Fernando was going.*
Veronica:Going somewhere?
Ariana:Red Coat
María:I hope She doesn't come
Fernando:This is seriuosly you don't know what she can do.
María:Guys it smell like fire.
Fernando:Because their is fire al over The lake house
*While Manuel. Manuel start walking alone Because Sebastián disapear. Manuel was alone until he saw read coat*
*Manuel start following read coat. When he start following read coat She desappear again but She desappear for good reason. Because She appear at the lake house that were fire. She pulled Everyone out. María saw Andrea alive! But when She look at The girl and return her view to Andrea She was gone. Ariana and Veronica wake up and Fernando went to The girls.
Fernando:Did anyone see Andrea?
Fernando:Andrea pulled all of us out
Veronica:You are crazy
María:I saw her too
*Manuel appear*
Manuel:So do I...

This is The Last chapter of The second book. If you want to know what is gonna happen next continue The third book that is called "The Liars Team:The Fifth Liar" Thanks for The support 😁

-Kisses M 😄

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2016 ⏰

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