Chapter Three- Chassed

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* Peeta pov *

At first, I don't know what I should do, I'm not sure if it is the people that killed my family in front of me or the people who want my money or is it Gale's company trying to get out the competition.

Then I see a guy with a snake tattoo on his wrist, now I know that it is Gale, and his bodyguards will not quit until they have done the job...

I pull Katniss with me, through the open window. It is hot we live in Florida, so we climbed out. We run to my car we start to back out but some of the people are trying to shoot us, good thing I have a bulletproof car but it does not last long.

So I grab the gun out of the secret pouch and Katniss looks at me with scared eyes. I get out and shoot as many as I can, but then it happens one guy shoots my shoulder, I get in the car, but I'm losing too much blood.

Katniss takes off her jacket and puts it on my shoulder. We drive to the hospital, but I don't know if I'm going to make it. We get to the hospital and I go inside leaving a blood trail behind me, they put me on one of the stretchers, and wheel me away before I saw Katniss crying. I pass out... The perfect date is ruined. Because all I am in danger and that is all I ever will be.

*1 Day later (Still Peeta pov) *

When I wake up turning my head I
see that I am in a white room, then I see that it is a hospital room.

I have a sharp pain in my shoulder, and I feel I little dizzy, I look around again and see Katniss sleeping in one of the chairs by my bed, how long have I been here? How long has she been here? What happened? What wrong with me? What time is it? All these questions run through my head, as Katniss starts to wake up.

She rubs her eyes and looks around, then her eyes land on me! At first, she doesn't believe her eyes that I am awake then she runs up and hugs me. I hug her back, then when she pulls away I kiss her forehead.

"You have been asleep for three days, I was so worried because I love you and I did not know if you would wake up, plus I was scared because you got shot in the shoulder, and they said that the police saw people with guns outside if the hospital and I was so scared because I did not have my boy to protect me," Katniss says as I look her smiling. 

"I love you to Katniss, I'm sorry I was not here to protect you. But I will when I get to go home, when am healed I will protect you to the max and when can I go home. " I asked, most of the questions all at once.

"Well, they told me that when you wake up that you could go home, so let's go! " She said, taking my hand.

Pulling me out of the room and out of the hospital, then to my car. We get in, she is driving since my shoulder still hurts. We get back to the mansion, she pulls me inside, we finished unpacking all her stuff so we go and sit on the couch. Then she asks the one question that will take a lot of explaining to do. "So Peeta why are bad people chasing you??"

"Well!" I start, not knowing what to say next.

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