This Morning

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This morning at around 2:30 am I woke up to find that my tv was still on. This was wierd because I knew that I had for sure put the sleep timer on. (I sleep with a movie on every night.) I then put on the sleep timer on again and fell to sleep. When I woke up again it was off, thank goodness. That still leaves me puzzled as I write this because I know I had turned that sleep timer on.

At school a few mornings ago, I was in my classroom when a heard a single, fairly loud drop sound. I looked around and nothing was there. I heard it again a moment later, again nothing.

Then a few minutes later my chair moved beneath me. No one was kicking it, it just moved a little bit and made me feel as though one side was lifted up. I dont know what happened. On that same day in the classroom, I found two dimes. I found this wierd because a couple days ago I had found one dime. When I got home, I noticed that there was a piece of cardboard on the floor in a small straight line. I did not have anything cardboard in my room.

The next day I found a piece of grass also in a nice straight line beside the cardboard. I wondered if this was, in anyway related to the dimes. But now thinking about it, there could be a resonable explanation for all this.

I'll update when something else happens ok? Thanks!

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