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The other day, I went hiking with a friend. We are the type of teenagers that believe in creepypasta and that sort of crap. Ya, its fun because we went to see if we could find The Slenderman, which, in a way, we sort of did.

I was leading the way and eventually, I got ahead of him by quite a bit and I came to a wooded area. I had listened/watched a YouTube video of how to Become a Proxy (which is now deleted) I was walking through the trees when I started to feel sick.

I did what it said in the video, stopped and closed my eyes tightly. I didn't FULLY expect it to work but damn, I heard a dark, deep sounding voice from a distance. I still dont know whether it was in my head or not but it sure sounded real.

I then, felt like I had no control over my body and my arms lifted slightly from my sides. It was a few mintues before I finally opened my eyes and started heading back. If you have seen the video 'To Become A Proxy' then you are fimiliar that the 'ritual' takes place at midnight. I was there during the day when I heard that voice and will soon go there during the night.

I found my friend and let him lead the way this time. I got ahead of him somehow, and he never noticed. He looked right at me though, and said he didn't see me. Strange right?

All the way up there though, we did see strange things, hallucinations and what we thought we saw Slender a few times.

Anywho, that was about a week ago. I went at night that weekend. Slender marked me.

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