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Wassup people of WAATTPPPAADDD!!!

Neon is back in act and ready to get on with some things!!! I'm sorry for hiatus and will make up for it...

As soon as I redownload the app and stop posting on my computer. Ahahaha!

I'll make it up to yall by accepting any five requests i gain. that includes art trades of any kind, art spam of what I've done all my time anddddd.... yeah! I'm sorry. Also as a 50+ follower special! School has taken a lot of my time ever since it started up again around august so my drawing time is shortened.

I missed you all and I hope you've stayed Neon.

Galaxy, keep at the stars. Anima, stay amazing! Olive, I missed ya! annnnnnnndddddddd... everyone else out there, i luv ya all!!!

I'll start posting on Saturdays in my country moar since I'll have some peace by then.

btw, no more swearing. this is what made have a hiatus in the first place. I felt... terrible. So to speak, but I'll still take gore has a... private thing eh?


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