Rebellious Student

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Modern time

"So, you ready for another tortuous hour in Mr. Uchiha's class, Naruto?" Kiba, one of Marutos close friends asked as they both walked down the hallway, Naruto was in the twelfth grade which means graduation soon, so he was much more careless as out his answer.

"Pfft, yeah right." Naruto scoffed. "His class is boring as hell, I know that man is going to be the death of me."

"Well I just had him last lesson and he seems a lot more pissed off than usual, so I'd watch out if I were you Naruto."

"Whatever, I can handle it just fine." Naruto reassured his friend before they went their separate ways. Naruto mentally facepalmed himself and continued walking to Mr. Uchiha's class. Naruto had a crush on him, but it was his subject that bored him to death.

Naruto entered his seat and took his usual seat, before taking his phone out for a minute before the bell went off. Mr. Uchiha was always on time, and has never been late not early but somehow manages to arrive here, unlike a certain teacher who is normally half an hour late. Naruto sighed and started texting on of his friends who also used their phones before the bell went off.

Naruto: Dude, wanna try and skip class early today?

Shika: sure what time?

Naruto: in twenty mins, Mr. Uchiha always goes and grabs a coffee when he's finished with his.

Shika: fine, do t stare at the Uchiha for too long dope.

Naruto: haha. Nice one you lazy ass.

Naruto put his phone away and yawned, having a boring class with a really attractive male was troublesome and often a drag cause it normally means listening to some boring story about go knows what.

If it wasn't obvious enough, all of Naruto's friends knew about his crush on Mr. Uchiha and him being secretly gay. Naruto honestly thought that this will be one of those petty crushes you get for like a week or two but he was so wrong, after an entire semester and still no changes about his feelings towards him, he was pretty certain that he was stuck with these feelings for who knows how long.

'He wouldn't and can't one of his students anyways, so why do I like him so much? When o already know theirs no chance between us?'

The bell finally went off and everyone quickly rushed to their seats, before Mr. Uchiha walked in. It was as if news about an angry teacher speed faster than someone catching some sort of disease having sex with a tramp, considering everyone rushed to their seats, the door slammed shut and everyone but Naruto flinched at the sudden noise. All the students looked to see Mr. Uchiha, but Naruto mainly looked because he was stunning in his suit. Black pants with his white blazer tucked under the black belt he wore all made a great combination with his thin body. The two details that made Naruto go crazy were his dark orbs that looked similar to the dark sky at night without a single cloud to disturb, and his black locks that oddly looked familiar to a chickens butt. All Naruto could imagine whenever he saw him was him smiling and shirtless while his hair was a mess once Naruto was done with hi-

Naruto's thoughts were cut off when their was a sound of a hand slamming on the front table threw him off. Everyone but Naruto flinched again as Mr. Uchiha looked up to make sure he had everyone's attention.

"If anyone thinks about stepping out of line today, they've got another thing coming." Mr. Uchiha growled, his gaze more focused on Naruto than anyone else in the room. Naruto folded his arms and rolled his eyes, somehow. Mr. Uchiha appeared next to Naruto's desk and slammed his hand in the small table, causing Naruto to jump this time and unfold his arms, making Mr. Uchiha smirk secretly.

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