Getting to know the format and The Order

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Hello there! I'm the author, Piplup. This very first chapter will teach you how the chapter system will work and some other random important notes to know before you start reading.

So you know that there are three OOTS (Order of the Stones) that we need to take care of. So each of the Orders will be "labled" like this:

Soren's Order: Focus One

Jesse's Order: Focus Two

Winter's Order: Focus three

And each chapter will be known as "chapters" (duh) and then, the name. So it would look like this:

[Focus One] Chapter 10: Gabriel

[Focus Two] Chapter 5: Hope

[Focus Three] Chapter 1: Light

(Those aren't the real chapter names :3)

So I hope that this would clear things up about chapters. 

Next thing, plot. We're basically gonna be following three different stories and each of them will tie up eventually. So, if chapters go from Focus One to Focus Three, that means that I'm just switching from Soren's Order to Winter's Order.

And finally, I'm gonna summarize the different members of the Order, just incase anyone wants to know who in Focus Three's Order is which.

Warriors (Gabriel, Petra, Winter): The warriors are mostly great in battle. They're really good with swordplay as well.

Redstone engineers (Ellegaard, Olivia, Luna): Redstone engineers are pretty much skilled with redstone. they can create things like simple machines, complex circuits and more.

Rogues, Grievers (Magnus, Axel, Chase): Honestly, if I were to describe Rogues and Grievers, I'm gonna have to quote the narrator from episode one: "Who would channel his destructive creativity for the benefit of all"

Brewers (Ivor, Faith): Brewers know lots about potions, enchantments, tipped arrows and enchanting books.

Architects (Soren, Jesse, Lukas, Skyler): Architects are basically masters of building. Yea.

😑 If something is in here, that means it's an editor's note. These would usually appear to clear something up or to add something at the end of a chapter😑

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