[Focus One] Chapter 1: Whereabouts

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Everyone in the order is scattered everywhere. No one is in the same area.

They were acting like they were ordinary people. And they seemed to like it. After the whole thing with the Witherstorm and losing Magnus, they needed a break right after Jesse and her friends were declared the new Order of the Stone.

Once they heard about the return of their beloved heroes, they did their best to scurry back to the village as fast as they could.

"Welcome back." Ellegaard tells Jesse as she signals the others to come.

"Thanks Ellegaard!" Jesse replied

Everyone in the Order had a little reunion as a crowd started to build up.

"I think it would be best to go to your place before it gets too crowded!" Ivor suggested

Everyone else agreed. So they all went ahead into the village, talking to their fans in the process.

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