[Focus Four] Chapter 1: Alexandra

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"Looks like the Order has returned." Someone says. He is looking out from the woods with Alex chained up beside him.

"Who are you and what did you do to Steve?!" Alex questions the figure.

"As you can see here, Steve is gone." The figure says as it appears to "Escape" the body. It appears to be Steve's body. "Most people nickname me the Sprit of the Woods but, you can call me Chantal."

"What is the point in doing this?!" Alex exclaims

"Well, you see, I'm trying to gain power and knowledge to extend my "database" and to educate my people. By possessing a body, not only does it kill someone, but I gain all of their knowledge and skill that they have!"

"How can you just possess bodies and leave them there?! Do you do this all alone?" 

"Oh that would be too hard Alex, darling. I have some friends. The thing is, I'm not the only Chantal. All the female spirits are named Chantal. The male spirits are named Noa. They all serve the same purpose as I do. However, they work for me. If they possess someone, I can take the knowledge from them." She explains. "Now I have some questions for you: Is Jesse your son? And does he have a sibling?"

"WHY WOULD I EVER TELL YOU?!" Alex shrieked 

"You know what happened to Steve. That's exactly what's going to happen to you if you don't speak up."

Alex hesitated. Then she finally said: "Fine. Spare me and I'll tell you everything."

"Perfect. Spill the beans Alexandra."

She takes a deep breath. "Yes. Jesse is my son. He has the same eyes like mine and the traits of a warrior like Steve. He has a sister that is also named Jesse. Her current location is classified."

"Classified you say? Then I'm gonna have to posses you anyways!" Chantal exclaims. "NOAS, HAUNT DEAR STEVEN'S BODY! Miss Alexandra is mine."

"Chantal... why?" Alex begs for mercy.

"I'm so sorry things had to be this way... I had a nice talk. But it's time to say goodbye, Alexandra."


"Goodnight, darling."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2016 ⏰

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