Chapter Four.

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Sirius, with the bottle in his hands, jumped on me and then laid on top of me to reach James. He whacked James around the head with the bottle rather hard and James let out a yelp.

‘For god sake Padfoot! What the hell was that for!’ James yelled angrily, while rubbing his head with his hand.

‘Don’t know. Just felt like it I suppose.’ Sirius said sniggering.

‘If you DON’T mind Sirius black, can you please get of!’ I said between breaths, as the weight of Sirius crushed me.

‘No. I’m quite enjoying it’ Sirius smirked while bringing his face closer to mine. I tightly scrunched up my nose.

James looked annoyed and he looked like he wanted to say something. But he held his tongue.

‘Oh leave the poor girl alone Padfoot. Your killing her. Get of!’ Remus said while getting up and pulling Sirius off me. He then helped me sit back up.

I smiled at him gratefully and Sirius huffed.

‘Well then. Lets get on with the dares!’ James said with a smirk.

God, these boys have a problem with smirking. Its all they ever do!

James then reached out his hand and took hold of the bottle. He spun it round, until it gradually come to a stop. It landed on peter. James looked at Sirius and smirked and Sirius nodded back. Its like they read each others mind.

‘We dare you to, strip naked and run down the road.’ James said while laughing.

Peter looked up from nibbling on his leg and stared blankly at James.

Peter then nodded, got up and started pulling his large top of.

I opened my mouth wide and covered my face in James lap so I couldn’t see.  

I looked up at James angrily and disgusted and James raised an eyebrow.

Wow he looked good when he done that.

Sirius was laughing so much he was crying and I even heard Remus laugh.

I finally heard the door close, so I took the chance and picked up my head from James lap. Peter had gone out of the room and made his way to the front door.

Then the four of us went to the window and looked out of it.

Peter was running down the street butt naked and it was also pouring down with rain. It wasn’t a pretty sight.

Sirius and James were literally rolling around on the floor laughing at the sight of him. I slid down the wall, doubled over with laughter. My sides hurt. James grabbed my hand and leaned on me for support. I actually think he might die of laughter. He looked in my face, still laughing. I smiled at him and he smiled brightly back. He then reached out his hand and stroked my cheek.

‘I love it when you smile’ James said before removing his hand and getting back up.

Finally after all that laughter and Peter thankfully got changed back in clothes, we got back to the dares. We sat back in a circle and Sirius spun the bottle. The bottle slowly come to a halt. At me. Suddenly all eyes were on me, as they pondered on what to dare me.

Remus then smiled at James and James then looked at him, puzzled.

‘Rhi. I dare you to kiss James.’ Remus said , still smiling at James.

Sirius rolled his eyes, and furrowed his eyebrows at Remus. James looked at Remus, as if he knew a secret.

Something inside me told me I wanted this. I so badly wanted this to happen. But then another thing told me it was wrong. He was like a brother.

Without even realising what I was doing, I got up and walked over to James who was sitting opposite me. I sat down on his lap and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I softly pressed my lips against his smooth soft lips, and we kissed slowly.

I forgot everyone else was here. It just felt me and him. He wrapped his arms more tightly around my waist and smiled against my lips.

Suddenly some coughed.  I broke apart and turned to three very shocked faces.

‘I meant a peck on the lips. Not a full on snog!’ Remus whispered.

But I ignored all the faces and comments.

That was so wrong. But felt so right.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2012 ⏰

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