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six months later.:.:.:.:.

Bryson Tiller

"Ebony come here" I called out to Ebony who was coming out of the twins room

"Yes ?" she said waddling to me

"Put this on" I said handing her a blindfold

"What are you doing Djuan ?" she said as she tied the blindfold 

"Hold my hand and you'll see" I said grabbing her hand and started to lead the way

When I got to the nursery that I had fixed up for our new addition Noelle.  

"Now look" I said removing the blindfold from her eyes

"Wow, this is nice baby" she said waddling over towards the rocking chairs

"Especially this"

"Laziness" I mumbled

"Sir ?" she said

"Nothing babe" I said

"I thought so" she said

"Where's BJ ?" I asked

"He's sleep" she said "He lonely without his sisters"

"We need to try for a boy" I said

"How you not know im having twins ?" she said smiling

"Wait , theres a twin ?" I said raising my eyebrow

"Yes, a little boy " she said

"How you not tell me ?" I said

"I got all this fixed up"

"I didn't find out until my last appointment you were in a session then" she said

"How they not see him?" I asked

"He was smaller than usual but he's  there" she said rubbing her stomach

"Thank God , I got a neutral color" I said

"Now I gotta, get —"

"Nolan's name added to the wall ?" she said

"I like that Noelle and Nolan" I said


Ebony Tiller

"Ma, brotha and sister ?" BJ asked pointing to my stomach

"Yes" I said playing in his hair as he laid his head on my stomach

It was just me and him at the moment. Zoey took Zaria and the girls out to a kid-friendly spa.  Bryson was in the bed taking a nap he's been tired lately the kids wear him out.  It's just me and babyboy.

The twins started kicking around in my stomach

"Ma , they kick" he said sitting up and smiling

Soon Bryson came downstairs with us.

"Da, Da" he said reaching for Bryson

"Well, just abandon me then" I said struggling to get up

"BJ hold up" he said "Let me help yo mama"

"I don't need your help , I coulda got up myself" I said after Bryson helped me up

"Quit lying" he said as BJ slobbered on his beard

I rolled my eyes and started waddling upstairs , "I'm going to take a nap"


Bryson Tiller

BJ and I was laying on the couch watching Star Wars Rebels until he fell asleep.  I slightly moved him off of my body and laid him on the other side of the couch. Then someone knocked on the door.

I walked to the door and looked through the peep hole, it was Evan

"Wassup, Evan" I said stepping aside and letting him in

"Hey, Bryson" he said

"What brings you by ?" I said

"It's our dad" he sighed "He's in the hospital"

"Dang man" I said

"Whats wrong ?"

"His lung collapsed, he wanted me to come by" he said as Ebony waddled downstairs

"Who ?" she said walking into the room and giving Evan a hug

"Dad" Evan said

"Oh" she said picking up BJ who was squirming

"What's thats suppose to mean?" Evan said

"Nothing, I just said oh" she said

"You don't care ?" Evan said

"Nah , not really fam" she said bluntly

"Babe, thats your dad though" I said

"If thats the case then why wasn't he there for my milestones in life ?" she said

"You expect me to care"

"I didn't say all t-" I started before Evan cut me off

"That's still our father Skeeter "

"He wants to apologize"

"For what ?" she said

"He already gave me materialistic things to make it up, apparently I like that"

"Thats not true" Evan said

"If its not then why when he messes up he gives me something and doesn't talk to me about it?" she said

"He's hurting" Evan said

"I was hurting when he didnt come to my wedding" she said getting up to take BJ to his room "I'll just buy him a Lexus something"

Why ? Ebony Why?

"Man can you talk to her ?" Evan asked

"Yeah , I will" I said

Wasn't in much detail but hope you enjoyed !


Q: Who missed me ? 😊

- I missed you too as well

Q: Who all thinks Ebony petty ?

- Me, she buying him a Lexus just to prove a point that she didn't want materialistic things to make her feel better all she wants is an explanation on why he missed everything.

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