Two Hearts : A friend in need

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  Finding what she had been looking for, Anisha staggered to the table with the heavy books. It was the weekend but the library was full with final year students neck deep in the books. Flipping open Sabiston textbook of Surgery, she searched answers to her doubts. Hurriedly she made notes to study later in her hostel room.
  Her mind registered someone taking her name. She stopped concentrating and listened to the conversation taking place few tables behind her. Her face flushed hearing the unpleasant things being spoken of her. The speakers didn't care if she overheard them. Without looking, she knew they were her so called girl friends.
  No, Anisha. Taking a deep breath, she willed herself not to get up and walk up to them to confront. Anisha had promised herself that she was not going to let other people's opinions affect her but her patience was wearing thin out. It was affecting her despite her insistence that she didn't care.

"Jina, the library just ran out of the book I was looking for.I noticed that you have both Davidson & Harrison. Can you give me one?"
Anisha recognised Karan's voice saying to them. It seemed like he wanted to borrow either the Davidson's principles & practice of Medicine or Harrison's principle of Internal Medicine but the library didn't have any more copy, with everyone renting them out for the exam.

"I'm sorry Karan. I can't give..I need both of them for the medicine exam," came the careful reply from Jina who sounded cautious in case he insisted on taking one from her.

"Really? You are saying you need both the books because you can't do without either of them. But you are telling anyone who listens that Anisha doesn't need both her heart. Don't you think you are little unfair?" he questioned with a raised voice & everyone stopped what they were doing, their attention inadvertently
focused on them.

"And it's her hearts that you are talking so casually about, not mere books," he added and Anisha couldn't help turning around. Annoyed at being rebuked, Jina stormed out of the library clearly muttering to herself much to the amusement of the onlookers. Anisha didn't know how to react as Karan walked up and sat down on the seat next to her.

Finally, she mumbled incoherently.
"Thanks..but you didn't need to.."

"Thanks for what?" Karan questioned looking at her while flipping open the pages of his book. Nothing in his expression said that he just had a heated exchange of words for her sake.

"Nothing," she shook her head in reply and returned to her book.
After a pause,
"Pen please."
How could she forget? She allowed herself a small smile, handing him a pen. When will he remember to bring one?

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