My Little Raven

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Sooo. I've deiced to start another story. Not sure if ya'll would like it, butttt whatever. Onward with this, awesome, story.



"Raven!" my mother's hectic voice called out.

I was too afraid to call out to her. The screams, the growls, the calls for help, it was all too much.

"Raven!" she called out again. "Please baby, tell me where you are."

I tried to move from my hiding spot, but pain shot up through my leg. I whimpered.

"Raven!" she called as the door swung open, showing her worried face.

"Mommy" I cried, as I stretched my hands up toward her.

She instantly grabbed my hand and cradled me into her chest.

"It's alright baby girl." She cooed. "You're alright now. Mamma's got you."

I whimpered. She searched me for injuries'. When she pressed down on my leg, I screamed.

"Mamma" I cried burring my head into her neck. "It hurts."

"I know baby. I know."

She made her way to my dresser and got a bag from under my bed before she tore a piece of material from my bed sheets and wrapped it around my bruised leg, and sat me on the bed as she scurried to pack.

I had no idea what was happening, but mamma was scared. She never got scared. Daddy was always there to protect her. Why wasn't he here?

"Mamma." I sniffed. "Where's daddy."

She pulled the bag on her back, and walked up to me. She crouched down, so that she was eye level with me. She pulled off her necklace and put it on me.

"This necklace was passed down from daughter to daughter in our family" she stated, looking me straight in the eye. "It will protect you, and keep you save. Don't ever take it off. No matter what. Promise me you'll never take it off."

I stared at her not knowing what to do.

"Promise me Raven" she yelled panicky. "Promise me you'll never take it off."

"I promise mommy" I whispered.

"You know I love you. I'll always love you. Never forget it."

"I love to too mommy" she grabbed my hand, and pulled me along as she rushed out the room.

"You have to stay quite. Ok?" she looked down at me as I nodded, to afraid to speak.

I followed after her. The yelling and screaming getting louder and louder. We made it to the back yard. Wolves lay everywhere. There was blood. So much blood.

"Don't look." Mommy said, scooping me up and burring me into her chest, effectively blocking my view.

"I will have her!" a voice echoed across the yard.

"You'll never touch her" daddy's voice shouted back.

"Daddy" I whined.

It seems to get quite. The sound of paws running our way got my mom running.

"There's my lovely girl." The man said.

"Stay the hell away from her!" Daddy growled.

"She's mine!" he snarled

"Over my dead body" daddy shouted back.

"That can be arranged" there was a growled and the sound of clothes tearing.

"Carmen" daddy groaned. "Get her out of her."

"Not with out you, Chris." Mom cried. "Please don't make me leave you."

"Go!" he shouted at us. Mom slowly turned and started running toward the trees again. "I love you both."

I peeked my head over moms shoulder and saw daddy getting attacked by a red wolf.

"Daddy!" I screamed. "No!"

I was crying. Tears were rolling down my face.


"Shhh baby." Mom cooed as we ran further into the trees. "He'll be fine."

It sounded like she was trying to convince herself more than me.

Suddenly I was flung out of her hands. I landed painfully on my side.

I looked over just in time to see my mommy getting attacked by the wolf.

I closed my eyes, hearing her screams of pain as the wolf clawed at her.

"Mommy!" I cried. "Mommy."

I curled myself into a ball, trying to block out the sounds.

After awhile, the noise stopped. I didn't dare look. I heard footsteps.

"Ay, boys!" a voice called out. "Look at what we've found. Jason's gonna be happy."

Chores of laughter surrounded me.

"She's a puny little thing" another voice said as he poked me.

I crawled away from him. Someone grabbed me by my arm and pulled me up.

"Please let me go!" I cried. "I want mommy"

They laughed.

"Sorry little girl, your mommy's in a mess right now."

I opened my eyes to be met with an icy glare. I looked over at where my mommy lay. I quickly shut my eyes. Tears kept falling.

"Guys, let's get her back to Jason before he has a fit." A voice said.

There was a collective groans. Then I was picked up and swung over some ones back.

I screamed.

"Shut up brat." He growled. I whimpered.

"She's going to be easy to tame." A voice said.

He started running. My head kept hitting his back. After a while, we came to a stop. We were outside my house.

"Ay, Jason!" the man from before yelled. "We've got the little brat."

The man dropped me on my butt.

"Ow" I whimpered, trying to crawl away from them.

A pair of legs suddenly entered my vision. I slowly looked up.

"Your mine now"


There it is. The beginning of an end. Get it...I'm so slow.

On the side is a picture. i was wondering if this should be the cover instead of the ne i have now.

Vote comment fan, whatever you like.

Peace and cookies.

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