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|| Kris' House ||

|| 8:30 pm ||

"WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU TELL ME ABOUT THAT BULLSHIT YIXING!" YiFan roared his voice echoing in the house where another eight terrified boys were staring. Yet the small blonde teenager didn't flinch nor felt intimidated one single bit.

"It was classified information," Yixing answered with a bored expression.

Yifan's eyes twitched, "Classified information? FUCKING CLASSIFIED INFOR FUCKING MATION IS EVERYTHING I NEED, YOU STUPID IDIOT! YIXING!!! Do you not understand the whole point i sent you after him? Hm? TO GET INFORMATION FOR ME, MYSELF, AND FUCKING I! Or did that not go through your small head?"

Yixing smirked, "Listen here Fanny you don't just earn a boy by knowing so much shit about them. Its not the same thing that you did to me, so shut the fuck up and suck it up because you bitch ass don't know how much i feel like raising my voice scream at you about how stuoid you fucking are and laugh... But I need to sleep and you kicking me out wouldn't help me- OH WAIT! It will only bring me to Sehun aren't I so sly."

YiFan growled and his hand formed a fist, "Leave out of my sight Yixing before I lose it."

Yixing laughed, "Haha you lose it with me? Honey that a big no."

The tallet stepped closer, "I SAID FUCKING LEAVE!"


Yixing was about to speak when a hand hovered over his mouth and another grabbed his wrist pulling him away. "Lweg go Jwongin," Yixing mumbled in the hand. "You promise to shut up?" Jongin asked to which Yixing nodded. The tanned males hand was lifted off the smallers mouth.

"Ugh!" Yixing groaned kicking the trash can that was right next to him, "What the fuck is his problem! For once he was actually going to kill me and I hate him for that! HOW COULD HE!"

"Do you still like him," Jongin asked.

"OF COURSE I DO!" Yixing screamed, "but at the same time i don't and I know I shouldn't. But i can't help it at times because I know I have you."

"O-oh," Jongin mumbled.

Yixing walked up to him, tippy toed and kissed the taller males lips, "Don't doubt my love okay, its just something I'm going through you will understand in time. Lets go back inside." Jongin nodded and followed after Yixing with a small sad but happy smile.


"What was that about YiFan?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Yeah we could hear you yell at Yixing who was dragged by Jongin outside," Baekhyun added.

"Then we heared him yell outside too," Jimin also added.

"Nothing that concerns you," Yifan said before sitting down and pulling Baekhyun to his lap laying his head on the crock of the smallers neck.

"He must be frustrated to be doing those kinds of actions to Baekhyun," Namjoon mumbled to Suho who looked and nodded.

The door opened bringing all eyea to the two people who were coming in, "He is going to call you, dumbass." Yixing informed rudly to Yifan.

"Get off," YiFan mumbled to Baekgyun who stood up with a sigh.

YiFan walked over to Yixing and hugged him, "Sorry." YiFan whispered in the others ear softly. Yixing nodded and tippy toed to reach YiFan's ear, "Two Yifan, its okay."

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