Doctor Smiley x Reader

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Dr.Smiley © BunsDream on DeviantArt
(Disclaimer: This is in no way meant to romanticize death, murder, starvation, or manipulation. This story was written out of pure enjoyment and should not be taken seriously.)

"Another successful surgery!" The Doctor exclaimed from the other side of the examination table from which you stood. The patient's body, despite being most definitely dead, eerily twitched and jerked. 

You looked up to The Doctor with a warming smile, "Congratulations, sir!" You said tenderheartedly, "Your work is always so beautiful!" Six months ago The Doctor had found you after just being jumped by a group of thugs. You were homeless, starving with bone straining to cut through your skin. He'd almost killed you, strapped to the examination table, his needle full of the strange blue liquid right up to your neck. It was right then you'd began reciting everything you'd remembered from your biology classes, something you'd been coincidentally majoring in college right before you'd been put into debt. You curse the American education system to this day. 

He'd paused as you were jabbering on with the vocabulary you  could remembering, naming every body part and organ you could spot in the dirtied jars that surrounding the room. After a long negotiation concerning your knowledge of the human body, medical instruments, and The Doctor's inevitable mortality, he'd agreed to keep you as an apprentice to the business he'd ran. Sure, you were little squeamish when leading sick people to their horrible doom, but the doctor had shown you how absolutely magnificent death really was. He wasn't destroying these people's lives, we was saving them! 

"Ah, my dear assistant," The Doctor began, "This is only the beginning of the beauty in the process, you should know that by now." 

You giggled. "I know that, but watching as the souls close their eyes and release themselves from their bodily cages is soo romantic," You paused and looked into rich blue eyes. "Don't you think?" 

He gave a slight nod as he turned away to prepare the tools for the next step in his artistic process. "Most definitely..." You shifted uneasily as the atmosphere between The Doctor and you seemed to change. It was almost as if he was hesitant, this was unusual for the The Doctor, he's always been such a confident person. 

"...Doctor?" You asked, hoping to nudge the two of you out of this uncomfortable situation. He snapped his head back up to you, smiling widely beneath his mask. 

"My dear assistant, would you like to help me with the next process today?" He asked. 

A burst of warmth caused by overwhelming emotions exploded within your chest as you heard the words spill from The Doctor's mouth. Help The Doctor? You, yourself? Do something you'd watched wistfully nearly everyday for the pasts six months... You could really do such a thing? 

"Yes!" You nearly yelled to the entire world. You quickly composed yourself, slightly embarrassed from your outburst in front of The Doctor.  "Yes," You reiterated. "I'd love to help you with your masterpiece, Sir. Do you really believe that I'm ready to do such a thing? What if I slip up?" 

The Doctor chuckled and danced his way to you, his utensils in hand. "You've been such a good learner, dear, and of course I'll be right by your side to guide your way." Your face heated up as his gloved hands opened your dominant one, placing a rusting metal scalpel in your palm, and sealed your fingers around it. 

The naked body in front of you, a male, had now subsided from twitching, looking so very peaceful. You allowed The Doctors hand to guide yours to the still body, stopping right at the sternum. His coaxing whisper in your ear made you shiver. "That's right, dear, right there, that's where you start." 

You felt as if you were in a daze. "Now, drag the scalpel down, just like that, you've got it!" You wanted to please The Doctor to your hearts content, perhaps even death. "Your hand is so steady, dear, you're doing so well." It was like being a little puppy, praised by its owner. Alas, you'd man a line right to the end of the male's torso. The Doctor let go of you, and you felt an immediate loss of heat. You tried your best to repress your sadness, now was not the time to get emotional. 

The Doctor picked up two instruments, one to push the skin apart, and as he did, a large ripping sound, almost like ripping a shirt, filled the room. He locked the tool in place to keep the skin apart. Next, The Doctor took away the bones, sternum and rips, that were in the way of the things he wanted to preserve. 

Finally, The Doctor wheeled the cart of sharp instruments for the squishy organs laying inside right to your side. "Are you ready, dear? Would you like my help?" He asked with sincerity.  You shook your head and smiled at him once again. 

"I think I've got it," You examined the instruments, tapping your finger against each one. You laughed, overflowing with excitement. "Thank you Doctor, I'll be sure to turn this surgery into a beautiful masterpiece." 

You picked up your favorite instrument. 

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