Sweet Little Honey Bee [Kaneki/Hide]

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What a bright and beautiful coat he has, the little honey bee buzzing around my flowers. Soft, downy hair smelling of sweet nectar and sun-kissed warmth so close to the wretched, decrepit earth on which I crawl.

Glorified wo~rm. Wiggling in the soil. Through the filth.

It's almost enough to make me writhe in delight, his nearness, his light, but I am not Tsukiyama and refuse to act as such. Instead, I watch from under the lush red petals of my flowers as the bright little bee hovers, hovers, hovers- what is a thousand minus-minus-


Minus seven. FIngers on-

Snap, snap, snap goes my ligaments, sharp and crisp in the early morning quiet, and the little bee startles, nearly falling off a petal in his haste to turn around.

His skin smells of the wildest winds and fresh pollen, face reflecting the very essence of the sun. He is more beautiful that I could ever have imagine anything being in this wrong, wrong, wrong world. Pure sunlight, early spring showers, the colorful palate of the Autumn harvest.

Ears, ears. In my-

"Hello, Centipede-san! Are these your flowers? I'm sorry, but they were just so beautiful I couldn't resist a taste." The honey bee chirps brightly, moving closer, closer, smelling of warm wax and sweetness. "I'm Hide by the way. Nagachika Hideyoshi, actually, but only the Mother Queen's squire calls me that."

I can do naught but remain silent, entranced by this creature standing so calmly on the same leaf as I, with feet that have probably never touched the filth of the earth. Pure, untainted, in every sense.

Glorified worm, worm, wo~rm!

"Hello~ Centipede-san! Am I really so stunning that words escape you. Well. I am pretty awesome, but-"


"I- huh?"

Writhing in the filth.

I look the bee- Hide, in the eye, my black and red meeting his honey gold, and say quietly. "You are sunlight upon my face, dew against my lips. You are light and shade and sweet honey."

Hide's mouth opens, closes, opens again, and then- my breath hitches, heart beating hard against the shell of my breast, overwhelmed- melts into the most breathtaking smile.

"You know. You're not so bad yourself-" Then he extends his hand to me, an open invitation. Clean, warm and smelling of my flowers.

"Kaneki. Kaneki Ken." I say, hesitantly reaching out and touching the soft palm of this unfathomable creature before me.

"Kaneki." He tests my name on his lips, grinning as it seemed to please him. "I think we'll get along just fine, don't you?"

What is one thousand minus-





(Why can't I just like reading about normal, healthy relationships? 😢)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2016 ⏰

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