Chapter Two

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" Ella, " the sound of Harley's soft voice snapped me out of my thoughts of my father, her small fingers snapping in front of my face. " yeah, sorry" I whispered, avoiding her intense stare, thoughts of my father still bouncing quietly  inside my head. " are you even paying attention to me today?" she let out a long sigh, whispering something about wasting her time. " anyways, times up" she spoke rising from the small wooden chair in the center of the unit 2 treatment room. I waited patiently for Guy, picking off what's left of my broken nails. I let my eyes wander over to the small hand gun in the center of the large table, Harley had forgotten to take it with her. You could escape right now, you know. They would never expect it, this is only unit 2. There's only one guard outside. Let me take over Ella, I can get us out of here. I pulled at my waist length brown locks, trying to get her voice out of my head. Letting her take over would only land me in extensive care, I know better. " remember what happend last time" I whisper, in a useless attempt to reassure myself. Maybe this time I could really make it out of here, escape this place. I knew better than to give in to Carmen, she is only a figment of impulse, if I listen to her things will only go wrong. Carmen doesn't come as often as she used to, not with the meds they've put me on. Split personality disorder, they call it. 

Finally Guy arrived, strolling through the heavy metal door with a walk that was almost graceful. His security guard badge gleaming, Officer Kopski, it read. I stood up from the rickety wooden chair as he made he way towards me, running a hand through my thick hair before turning around. " I know you hate this, kid. But unfortunately it's mandatory." his voice was soft yet authoritative as he clicked the cold metal cuffs into place behind my back. I let out an annoyed sigh, I hate how they treat me like a caged bird, but its a million times worse for the psychotic patients of extensive care.

My plain white running shoes click against the ground with every step I take, leading back to my cell. With Guy's hand wrapped firmly around my bicep, and my hands cuffed behind my back, there's nowhere for me to go. It was when we passed through the main hall, things got most entertaining. A new patient was  being brought in, he was enormously tall, around 6'5 i'd say. His vibrant green hair and bleached white skin seemed to almost accentuate his overly sharp cheekbones and jawline. We made eye contact for a split second, but that was enough.His deep crystal clear blue eyes holding an intense stare, an overly stretched smile making its way across his scarred face. He began to laugh, but it wasn't an innocent fun laugh, it was a psychotic sounding laugh that gave me a strange feeling that he had not only brought pain to others, but felt his own pain as well. It was a laugh that shook me to the core, sending chills down my spine. " I know you've been in here your whole life Carmella, but that man is evil. He's called the Joker, he is the most dangerous man in Gotham, and he killed hundreds of people. Stay away from him." Guy spat, his tone sounded dangerous as he sent glares toward the Joker. Gee, he must really hate this guy. Or fear him, Carmen's voice spoke. An involuntary chuckle escaped my chapped lips, earning looks of disapproval from the guard standing at my side.

By the time I made it back to my cell it was 11 o'clock, Ivy was waiting for me. " good morning sunshine," I said gleefully skipping over to her and wrapping my thin arms around her jumpsuit clad torso. " morning Ella," she singsonged. "You missed breakfast"  her nose scrunching up in disgust as she passed  me a dish with some unrecognizable food. It's not like I was expecting a five star meal or anything, but this shit doesn't even look edible. " eat up pumpkin pie, J is coming today" a wicked smile crossing her face, "we're breaking out of the hellhole." J? As in the Joker? how did she know he was coming?  Confused thoughts bounced around inside my head, the plan idiot, she told you she had a plan to get us out of here. Carmen reminded me. " you seem confused darling," she sighed, throwing her long red locks over her shoulder. " you see, J is a very intelligent man, he would never really get caught unless he wanted to, he's coming to help us, ya see, big bad Mr J owes me a favor," she explained, her brilliant green eyes sparkling with mischief. A wicked smile formed on my face. After all these torturous years, i'm finally getting out of here, i'm finally going to get my revenge.

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